Cheap amp stands?

The Devil said:
I can't understand why you get yourself so worked-up about it.

Because the topic is/was "Cheap Amp Stands" not ones that cost six hundred quid! If the question was infact what is the best amp stand than by all means suggest Mana, it would be a valid option, but not really when DIY was the prefered route.
You seem hostile, too.

The point is that £600 is cheap, relative to the gear. If you bought a Ferrari, would you specify remoulds?
Knickers are in a twist because we cant ask these questions without YOU jumping down our throats with your f-ing mana fetish
one comment recomending it is enough.
I did mention DIY, not ferkin great globs of magnetic ferrous shite over my living room.
I don't see how the mods can help you with your anger management difficulties.

Why oh why do people say "why oh why", when "why" is more succinct?

Maybe they could help by removing the 3 pages of detritus you have added to an otherwise helpful topic.
I dont have problems, apart from when you turn into a prat and try to ruin my threads, you did it to 2 of my previous threads. I have refrained from posting much since then, and now you go and do it again.
Please piss off.
The Devil said:
Why oh why do people say "why oh why", when "why" is more succinct?

Because mankind has developed a language system whereby a point can be given different slant or emphasis through protraction or repetition of basic words, hence there are many different ways of saying, for example "You're a dick" to suit the situation. Succinctness is not to everyones taste, as so many things in this world aren't...... ;)
I've been offering the best amp stand advice possible. Things so often go unrecognised, even when they are right under peoples' noses. You really ought to thank me, if life was fair.

A thread is a thread and we have almost no control over where it might go. But we can at least remain polite & courteous, that's not too much to ask of a gentleman.

I don't think that a gentleman would ever say "You're a dick", would he?

"Why oh why" implies readership of the Daily Mail, which is also outwith the usual conduct of a gent.
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Polite , understanding Bub is such a wind up . :D

Andy , FWIW , I reckon Isaacs stand is the best proposed route so far .
If you have your kit in between your speakers it might be worth seeing how much it would cost to have two low stands made up and split your kit between them .
Then get one made and then when funds allow , get the second
atb .
Oh , Andy ,
Just had a thought ,
don,t dismiss the Mana approach just yet , I reckon there,ll be lots coming on the s/h market soon when all the boys swop out all their stuff for stainless steel .
Mind you , every thread will be interupted with " you really need stainless... you know" ;)
The Devil said:
I've been offering the best amp stand advice possible. Things so often go unrecognised, even when they are right under peoples' noses. You really ought to thank me, if life was fair.

I'm sure you're aware that its the way you say it that gets peoples backs up. Having just had a look at the Mana site I must say the product looks like a good idea (although a little ugly) but no one likes to be told that one option is the be all and no others are to be considered, especially when it comes to a hobby that is well recognised as being largely subjective. You're point is going unrecognised because you present it so badly.

The Devil said:
A thread is a thread and we have almost no control over where it might go. But we can at least remain polite & courteous, that's not too much to ask of a gentleman.

Sarcasm and sly jibes also count as being impolite too you realise? I do. One can still be offensive without using offensive language.

The Devil said:
I don't think that a gentleman would ever say "You're a dick", would he?

No I'm sure he wouldn't.

The Devil said:
"Why oh why" implies readership of the Daily Mail, which is also outwith the usual conduct of a gent.

I know. I used to object most strenuously to Mana enthusiasts on the Naim forum. I thought that there couldn't possibly be anything in it at all.

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