Cheap Carts and Stages- help please!


a bit of trichord fono stage history...

the dino...wall wart psu and external psu...AFAIK no never connected. mm and mc

delphini...first incarnations were the stereo and the monoblocs, the monos had 4 boxes, 2 amps and 2 psus.

These I think were only mc, but still with adjustments.

Delphini mk2, this added mm adjustments to the already very adjustable. Dunno about circuitry changes.
Graham fowler talked about the 1st opamp being difficult to get supplies, and had problems finding another good one.

Power supplies were the wall wart, and a large psu, the same one as the orca used.

Then the never connected came out, so you have the 3: wall wart, large psu, and n/cs...OK?

Not compared, tempted, but would get one s/hand, saving about £400 or more.

Hard to believe you could get MUCH better than the dino.

Yes the isos treble was purer, but more clinical and less bass grumble, too.

Can't go wrong with an EAR, really sound choice.

Interestingly, one of the most revered valve pre amps, the marantz model 7, appears to have been 'copied' by mr de paravicini for his phono stage and line stage.

They differ in small details, but the topology is pretty much identical. Even Tim can't reinvent the wheel!, clever as he is. So, in getting an EAR amp, all those mourners who wish they had the marantz model 7, can almost have one with an ear. Probably more reliable, too. tho' I bet the old one has a certain something to it. They don't get reputations for nothing.
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Originally posted by Joolsburger
Just a short note FYI.

Trichord have informed me that there is only one version of the Dino + power supply and that they have not made a never connected version. That power supply is only available for the Delphini stage not the Dino.

The only place I can think of where it may be possible to demo a number of stages would be Walrus in London, for anyone who cares.

Arh twas you that phoned this afternoon about twenty to 2 then Jools :).
I have to admit to being the bearer of mis-information, The dino plus I thought Graham had made a N/c version (he hasn't yet, I must have got the delphini & dino mixed up :o ) The dino plus + case won't support a full n/c psu, Graham is comtemplating one in the near furture I feel. Wm

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