Chord "blu" CD transport


I have got my hand on a Chord BLU transport & am currently giving it a good go (had it since Saturday). Will report back soon.

Originally posted by SCIDB

I have got my hand on a Chord BLU transport & am currently giving it a good go (had it since Saturday). Will report back soon.

I look forward eagerly to your views :) Went in to Musical Images in Covent Garden the other day to pick up a DAC64 for a friend and they said "have you heard the transport?". I replied that I hadn't and that Chord were IMO taking the piss with the £4.2K price tag for it. "You wait 'till you hear it" was the reply. Well, I will give it a listen if/when I get the chance but I simply can't see it being a significant improvement on the modded Teac T1 I have (or any other half decent transport).

The guy at the shop started going on about a "stereo" digital link. "You mean the dual BNC connections for 192kHz data?" I asked...he didn't have a clue :rolleyes:


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