Current feedback headphone amp

3DSonics said:

London transport comes to mind.

Daft reply springs to mind.

There are many valid reason for headphone requirement, im sure you can think of a few.

I still think your initial post was rather rude to the OP.

If listening to headphones makes you turn it off to do other things, maybe you should learn to listen to the music and not the hifi.
After all that is what it is all about, so if heaphones are the only way, what is the problem?
I'm almost ready with amp. It's only cleaning left before I solder the big parts. Before I asked if anybody had any thoughts about the design itself, still no thoughts? Do you like current feedback for instance?
I love my little Graham slee amp and 650's not perfect but means I can enjoy stuff that my wife just can't tolerate like hard rock! Weird late night electronica does it for me too.
Headphones and their amps definitly take some getting used to but the benefits reward the patience
The amp is up and running.

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