Damned eBay!

Originally posted by michaelab
I've seen them on HiFiForSale for £1200 aswell but this is the updated model with the power switch, 2 BNC inputs and 96kHz capability


Mike they are all 96hz, it's the later one that needs 2 inputs for the full 192Khz WM

Bid for these, I came across them in the Home > All Categories > Consumer Electronics > Audio - Separates & Systems > Amplifiers section :D :D

Maybe they're listed under amplifiers for all them valve users! :D :p

left behind after the last valves and vinyl bake off?
*&"£$)(U*!!! :inferno: the guy selling the Teac P-700 transport has suddenly just cancelled the auction early...the page says "because the item was damaged or lost"...yeah right, sold to someone outside eBay for more than it was looking like he was going to get on eBay more like :bub:

Originally posted by michaelab
*&"£$)(U*!!! :inferno: the guy selling the Teac P-700 transport has suddenly just cancelled the auction early...the page says "because the item was damaged or lost"...yeah right, sold to someone outside eBay for more than it was looking like he was going to get on eBay more like :bub:


I wonder if anyone on here will soon be updating their kit list to include it? Oh well, plenty MOre fish in the sea. However, what use a fish would be I don't know :rolleyes:
Well, at least he e-mailed me the true reason: he's hoping to get some money to get a s/h laptop and it didn't look like the bidding was going that well (I was the only bidder - but it had a few days left on it). He found a bloke who's willing to swap him a laptop for it. Personally, I think he wants a lot more for it than it's worth (about £250-300 IMO). May still be able to come to a deal if the laptop he's looking to swap for doesn't work out....

sort of goes against the whole point of an auction site doesn't it? I didn't think it was allowed!
It isn't allowed. If I felt like it I could complain to eBay and he'd be in trouble but I'm a nice guy...so I won't :)

EDIT: IMO, if you're selling something on eBay and you need the money then set a reserve for what you're prepared to settle for. He'd set a reserve of £150 which I bid :rolleyes:

Just got another e-mail from him and he's looking for £500-£600 for it :eek: Good luck to him if he finds a mug willing to pay that much, because it's definitely NOT woth that much!

Originally posted by michaelab
Just got another e-mail from him and he's looking for £500-£600 for it :eek: Good luck to him if he finds a mug willing to pay that much, because it's definitely NOT woth that much!


What a cheeky pecker. :grrr:

Why not buy an old banger of a laptop and swap him for it ?? tell him it cost you mega ££££ :boogie:


I live in the same county as him if I can help


he he he...no, I'm not that desparate. I'll just wait until another one turns up. OTOH, I could always go for the $18,200 Burmester transport currently on Audiogon :eek: :D Who ever pays that much for a transport is, without question, a mug of the highest order. I know they make a difference, but never in a million years can they make $18K difference :rolleyes:
