Dealer wont let me have a home dem!!

I have to say thats Pants :( , even my local spokes are good enough to lend kit out no probs, helpful to in their own way :)
Might it worth Craig having another word with them, seeing they'll change their minds, after all if the chap has delt with Graham N, then you'll be a doddle, else threaten to sent Graham round to control the volume on saturday afternoons, while defending proper music to death, if he doesn't sucumb to that, then you got no hope mate :D
Originally posted by lAmBoY
I was also suprised as I had met him before (had a dem of the spkrs in Reading but using wildly different amps) - we got on quite well, so this added to me confusion.
Now that surprise me, and I take it you were remembered by face on your return visit?

Hmm, I've had a sort of similar interesting experience very recently. I went into the shop where I had my Quad ESL dem last weekend, I initially went in there the weekend before last to enquire whether they had the 989's in stock, to book a dem and also to see if they offered home loans of equipment (with a credit card) - I got a firm "NO" in reply to the last question. When I came back for the dem this weeekend, I was actually asked if I would like to borrow them on a home loan basis no prompting! :rolleyes: I did speak to 2 different people though on each occassion.

I think some shops are inclined to judge a person and the size of their wallet by the way the potential customer (or timewaster) is dressed or even their age. But I totally agree with everyone, speakers more so than any other piece of kit really do need to be tried out in the perspective owner's room, and to not offer such a service for 4 figure plus speakers is rediculous.

The locking the buyer into a stream of credit notes until they've found what they want is a good idea IMO, but only if the dealer carries a wide enough range of equipment in the categories that you're interested in, which very few do. Many of specialist dealers have a narrow range of stock and tend to select equipement which largely offers a particular type of sound as Graham has already said.
A home dem of speakers should involve the dealer coming to you and installing the equipment to his own satisfaction. If he does his job right you are likely to simply fork over the cash...

Originally posted by HenryT
I think some shops are inclined to judge a person and the size of their wallet by the way the potential customer (or timewaster) is dressed or even their age.

He he he - reminds me of two things - the scene in Pretty Woman on Rodeo Drive, and when I tried to get my laser printer back in 1993 (as a dressed down messy student with £3k in their bank account (due to special equipment grant). The guy refused to serve me, so I got the disability advisor from Reading Uni to go back with me - and he then believed me.

Bonus thing was - the disability advisor was a TOTAL BABE so I got to hang out with her all afternoon and got her a couple of drinks for helping me out - ha!

Henry - are you going to take him up on the home dem test 'cos I'd LOVE to hear those panels in your room!? Also - interesting findings re those mains leads - will tell ya later.
Hey Lamboy

I'm very surprised that Audio Consultants are playing 'the game' with you. Are you sure you were dealing with Stephen Harper himself and not one of his boys because that is totally out of character for the guy. A U.K. friend of mine has bought both an SME TT and Avalon speakers from them and although I am not sure about the TT, I definitely know that he had the Avalons at home for one week with no strings attached. He later bought them. I was present during the first TT audition at the store - then in Camden, London.

If I were you, I would contact them again to ascertain who exactly you were talking to. If it was Stephen Harper and he is still not willing to play ball, then take your business elsewhere as no one should buy speakers without a home dem especially at the prices you are willing to pay. The Amphions are very fine speakers and quite room friendly due to the fact that you can tune the bass to your liking and to suit your room. As musical realism is your bag, hence your interest in the Amphions,:D then you might want also to check out the PMC OB1 speakers. I heard a very convincing demonstration of these last weekend and believe that they should be investigated by every music-lover - assuming their cost is within budget. Finally, if you are going to listen to Meridian G series gear, then also add the Ayre CX-7 and the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 UP to your list just for comparison sake. And on that note ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.

Enjoy the music,

I think some shops are inclined to judge a person and the size of their wallet by the way the potential customer (or timewaster) is dressed or even their age

Which is were the pleasure lies in dressing like a vagabond. Play to their expectations for a sufficient period, then flash them some platinum. Lousy bastards, only language which seems to be understood - $$$$$$

Not as bad as going to a nice cosy middle class suburban church in scruffs and wild hair. Seems even the big fella demands an appropriate level of attire. Bollox.

I'm not chucking my ripped jeans for no piss ant.
Exactly - wear what you dig - that's yet another reason why I loathe and dispise (sp?) working - shirt and trousers on ME looks bloody stupid. If you can't be comfortable in what you're wearing, you sure as hell can't be working at anywhere near optimum efficiency.

This whole clothes = decent person crap mentality should have sank with the Titanic if you ask me...
Well, if lamboy was wearing brown shoes with a black belt (or vice versa) I fully sympathise with the dealer, a chap must draw the line somewhere after all...

-- Ian
You got me there. I was wearing brown shoes with a black belt.

Im not sure if it was Stephen Harper (or whatever his name is), but because he seemed a nice guy, it was worse. He didnt flip me off as a no hoper (i hope!) but I guess he was having a bad day. All the same, I doubt he will see my cash.

ho hum //lamboy
must admit ive got bored winding up sales staff,maybe im getting old or maybe all the shops around here know me now:JOEL:
best time was buying a new bike,sales guy was trying his hardest to avoid this scruffy hippy asking awkward questions until the scruffy hippy mubbled" yea ok i'll take it" ,suddenly he became very concerned that i didnt get dehydrated and ofered me a coffee whilst we sorted the out paperwork,he became more friendly when i pulled £3.5k out of my tatty leather jacket and asked about discounts
Im suprised about Audio Consultants too.

Once, while demo-ing turntables he offered to come to my home in Milton Keynes and set up the turntable if I bought one!!

The demo was one of the best and most proffessional Ive had, my only criticisms were that he couldnt do enough with the price - which for me unfortunately has to be the critical point.

I never asked him for a home demo, but am amazed that he'd come back with something so off-hand as that.

I even get home demo's on the second hand kit I buy from shops. Really - theres no excuse to say no if you offered your credit card.

A trip into London to see Les and Pete at Walrus perhaps?
I've noticed the clothes and age thing too. Also, been treated differently when with/without girlfriend.

I'd go elsewhere, and let them know why! But if this is as out of character as has been suggested, perhaps make sure you were speaking to the top bod, And make sure to tell him what you were previously told!
I've got a plan:JPS:

Book the demo and ask if you can bring along a couple of your ancillaries. Then turn up with all you electronics and cables, possibly a large plant and your comfy recliner. Oh and don't forget any pets that may be up for a day out. Children too, they hate that. Don't need to be your own, just borrow some from the local gypsy camp for a tenner.

Take forever to set everything up, then keep making slight changes, asking to try other options such as alternative cables and show interest in a new front end.

Listen for a good three hours, always finding something else for him to do to keep him on his toes. Then just say "Naaah" and f**k off!

If nothing else, you will have had a good few hours of music and seriously pissed this idiot off. Later send an email to explain that you never purchase without extended home demo, a service you were able to receive elsewhere.
Originally posted by lAmBoY
You got me there. I was wearing brown shoes with a black belt.

Ah - well there it is then - watch American Psycho forthwith for all your future fashion needs :) Just remember - Oliver Peoples glasses are probably not cool any more, but the rest still stands.
Another surprised customer

Me too! I've bought bits and pieces off of Stephen before, had amps upgraded/ repaired. Have also spent quite a lot of time demoing at the Camden shop. He's always had very good customer focussed attitude IME.

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