bottleneck said:
You've said yourself the room is the problem.
You might want new boxes, but a big thick rug on the floor (the bigger and thicker the better, and another on that glass wall behind the speakers would do more than any amp change IMHO
Aha... This gets interesting - VERY interesting! The "glass wall" is a window, so no option for covering it, but it does have nets! There's a rug (not that thick) on the floor...
...the amp/Epos/room combo is the problem. Just for a laugh, we stuck my Rega Kytes on my housemate's Sound Organisation (I think) 4 pillar stands (heavy as f*** - he swears they're NOT sand filled but I reckon they're filled with neutron star dust!), removed the Epos', and sat back.
Well, the Kytes use paper drivers, so took a couple of tracks to "warm up". OK, not much deep (or mid, Henryt!) bass there at all, and very sibilant. But after half an hour they'd started to settle down nicely. Sure, on stuff like the Smiths' "The queen is dead" on CD (no bass there to begin with!) the musicality was EXCELLENT. Really flowy bass, rhythmically involving; we stuck on stuff from Chic to Whitesnake and those little boxes were loving it.
On more "proper" music (live acoustic) the bass was actually spot on - Hot Club of Cow Town's live CD was bloody amazing!
So the Epos' are being mothballed (rear surrounds or Ebay/here/wherever - not sure yet) and I'm defo VERY interested to hear what the Dyns, Proacs, and anything else Audio-X might have in - second hand or new. I might even try the Naim Arrivas but think they'll either be too demanding on the amp and/or have SL2-like flamethrower treble (yuk!).
I'm VERY interested to hear how the standmounters (whichever we end up demming) will cope in "free" space, since, with the losses in the window and (maybe) the floor, the bass could still be an issue. I'm convinced though that with proper, heavy stands (open frame seem to dump it all into the floor) we could be in business.
If I DO go for something, I might well try to punt or trade the Epos' towards a new Dynavector for the Rega Planar3, as that's not been upgraded in a while!