Densen DeMagic CD revisited

Originally posted by Graham C
You can put me down for the 'crock-o-shite' camp - at least to wind up Penance anyway...

Does that mean that I add you to the list of takers, Graham?
Originally posted by wadia-miester

I do also firmly believe that some people really can't tell a difference unless it's chalk and cheese

I think we both know one of those, Tone! This is why it's downright deceitful for manufacturers and magazines to insist that there's always a difference to be heard. In the case of the mags, I think "the king with new clothes" syndrome comes into it. By the way they write, I think these people see themselves as discriminating golden ears and they like to portray themselves as superior listeners. When did you ever see a reviewer who admitted not to hearing differences in things? They get around it by saying that they didn't like some difference that they heard, but admit to little or no difference? Not a chance!
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A thought for people who want to limit any possible problems with magnetism. Cast iron. Cast iron is cheap and completely non-magnetic, and it is used, for example, by the Swiss watch industry for watches that have to withstand strong magnetic fields, e.g., the pilots' watches made by IWC - see, for example:

A magnetised watch is a timekeeping catastrophe, and these watches are designed to take magnetic fields far in excess of anything that could ever be generated in a CD player. So, Tone, there's a potential new avenue for experimentation for you!
Originally posted by tones
I think we both know one of those, Tone! This is why it's downright deceitful for manufacturers and magazines to insist that there's always a difference to be heard. In the case of the mags, I think "the king with new clothes" syndrome comes into it. By the way they write, I think these people see themselves as discriminating golden ears and they like to portray themselves as superior listeners. When did you ever see a reviewer who admitted not to hearing differences in things? They get around it by saying that they didn't like some difference that they heard, but admit to little or no difference? Not a chance!

I think Tones, you are spot in that respect, people arn't going to pay for a magazine unless there's a form of interest factor there :) and stating 'no real improvement' isn't benefical for sales maybe ????
There are quite a few of on Z/G that do spend a lot of time listening to various boxes and connections, for one reason or another, and we before 'more focussed' towards changes, be they great or small, that certainly doesn't mean we have 'Golden ears', it may just mean we are more attenuated towards changes possibly, some changes that some people may think "Well is that it?" which is also fair :)
It's also fair to say that some changes are pretty dramatic too, now the 'test cell' if you like is optimised with all the things we consider neccessary for good sound, maybe this helps in indentifing changes more easily ??
Now also you have perceptual range, if Pete smith says 'yes it was better' how do you quantify that ? better to Pete smith could range form Jaw droping to pretty thame, but it's realitive to him.
Some times you have the 'Domino effect' wher one change is not too bad, but then a another smaller change else where in the chain, really makes the difference, but it's an accumulative effect.
Subjectivity is so much fun. Tone
Originally posted by tones
Does that mean that I add you to the list of takers, Graham?

Alas, no tones. I own a Densen CDP, which I like a lot..but, if it does the demag thingy internally, then I have nothing to compare with on the CD.

Incidentally, it only does the demag thingy when you close the CD drawer. So if I play the same CD a few times without ejecting then it should be 'bad' - right?
So then I open and close the drawer [and demag]...hey presto!! 'the difference is night and day', 'deep pools of soundstage', 'vistas opened before me', 'heightened musicality' etc. ad nauseum..

Nope, it just sounds the same.

Apologies for my attempted wit Penance. It was only innocent fun - which I was confident you could rise above, as you cycle through Filton/Sadly Broke regularly [like I used to last year]. Get yourself out of Brizzle before its too late!


Graham C
Originally posted by Graham C
Alas, no tones. I own a Densen CDP, which I like a lot..but, if it does the demag thingy internally, then I have nothing to compare with on the CD.

Does it just do the demag. thing inside the CD player, or does it output the appalling sound through your amp and speakers? I guess it's probably the former, or sales on Densen CD players would probably be pretty poor :D. If so, then it could in theory be worth you giving it a shot Graham, to see if it had any affect on your amps, cables and speakers?
As far as snake oil products are concerned I certainly believe cables can make a huge difference, spikes not so sure, green pens not tried, de mag cd mmmmm!.
I too have an engineering degree (M.eng Mechanical Engineering, although if you asked me to apply the 2nd law of thermodynamics I really wouldn't have a clue anymore) and with that so called learned knowledge of mine (at least what is left after to many brain cell destroying activities!) find it rather difficult to believe this could make a difference.

But would love to give it a go.

Put me down please tones!
Originally posted by Graham C

Apologies for my attempted wit Penance. It was only innocent fun - which I was confident you could rise above, as you cycle through Filton/Sadly Broke regularly [like I used to last year]. Get yourself out of Brizzle before its too late!


Graham C

No probs Graham, but your right, a daily dose of Filton and sadly do maketh a sad life :(

sorry i forgot you were in Bristol not so long ago, hows the new town?
Originally posted by Sauerkraut
As far as snake oil products are concerned I certainly believe cables can make a huge difference, spikes not so sure, green pens not tried, de mag cd mmmmm!.
I too have an engineering degree (M.eng Mechanical Engineering, although if you asked me to apply the 2nd law of thermodynamics I really wouldn't have a clue anymore) and with that so called learned knowledge of mine (at least what is left after to many brain cell destroying activities!) find it rather difficult to believe this could make a difference.

But would love to give it a go.

Put me down please tones!


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