DEQx + speakers?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Listener666, May 6, 2008.

  1. Listener666


    May 4, 2008
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    Hahah.......................yes i think your right of course:eek::eek::eek:

    If the 215' s go down to 40hz and roll off to about 30 I will be tempted with the 15 dmt's and two subs.:confused::confused:

    Better or worse???
    Listener666, May 8, 2008
  2. Listener666


    Mar 7, 2005
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    They both have a very similar response, the 215s only go a tiny bit deeper.

    If I sit at the other end of my 27-foot long room, I definitely get deep bass that is felt and not just heard. That's speaking as someone who listens to a lot of dance, reggae etc.

    Noel Keywood discussed how long a room needs to be (longest dimension) to get maximum bass, in the April 2006 issue of hifi World. He said a 15-foot room reached down to 36Hz, for example. So, I'd guess 15-20 feet is what you'd need to squeeze out maximum bass response from the DMTs.

    But being highly neutral, they are not bass-driven in character. If you really want to fully underpin the sound with bass, then go for subs. If you can be arsed.

    Listening a bit more today with the MC2 650 and it sounds like something you'd mix or produce music to. Will try biamping with a ZH-270 soon, fully kitted-out with Telefunkens and 50's Valvos.
    Baudrillard, May 8, 2008
  3. Listener666

    alanbeeb Grumpy young fogey

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Folks - I have actually done this - and its not difficult at all.

    I've got a DEQX PDC 2.6 and built a pair of Wilmslow Audio Mercury 2-way standmounts, but omitted the x-over.

    Using the DEQX 2.6 as a preamp/DAC/EQ/active crossover and a 4 channel power amp it sounds bloody brilliant, and it was not very difficult to get it setup nicely. No problem at all, and I am not a speaker designer just a hobbyist.

    Just a bit of trial-and-error choosing the x-over point, I ended up with a linear phase 300db slope(!) at 2000Hz sounded best to my ears. It needs a fair bit of EQ to get the best sound but all of this was easy to do with trial and error and with the application that comes with the DEQX.

    Once setup you can tweak away as much as you want to get it even better.... but the point is you can get a very good enjoyable sound very quickly, and from there just keep making further improvements as long as you want to.
    alanbeeb, May 8, 2008
  4. Listener666


    May 4, 2008
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    You have restored my faith:boogie:

    I think the tweaking is one of the attractions of the DEQX......I think Tenson said............if a hifi buff with no technical knowledge (nothing wrong with that..... me mate would rather listen to music than look at graphs ) uses one its a bit of a waste. . ...Remember the phrase 300db slope at 2khz would have most peeps running away;)

    Can I pm you if I buy a 2.6 when i get a bit stuck :cool::D
    Listener666, May 9, 2008
  5. Listener666


    Jun 7, 2006
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    I know its exciting but before getting too enthusiastic about a few paragraphs of recommendation from a DEQX user with a completely different setup(and probably tastes) to yourself, you might want to stop, work out how many hours it takes you to earn £2k and then pause for reflection. I understand your looking to hear that the DEQX is a gateway to new levels of enjoyment straight out the box, who wouldn't, but that's not a given.

    If your really in that must try this out mentality then Tekcare do a loan service on the DEQX. I did this myself and it took away the risk.

    BTW 300dB/oct slopes really aren't the reason to buy a DEQX. In fact I'd suggest avoiding them for better results. Main problem is time domain ripple/ringing and this is quite apparent in the pulse response as well as audible on mid to high frequencies. The marketing from DEQX poses the problem and shows their solution, however their fix only truly works in the electrical domain and not the acoustic one. Subtractive addition or nulling of the ringing by combining the output of each driver only fully works with drivers that perfectly follow the filters transfer function at all point in the listening space(impossible). To make matters worse, because of the extreme nature of 300dB the margin for deviation from the filter to the driver, even if over a narrower frequency range, is much larger than lower order filtering.

    I find many folks prefer low order filtering, even without prompting or knowledge of loudspeaker design, just a simple A-B is enough to provoke a reaction. I wouldn't be so archaic to recommend everyone design with 1st order filtering because that's difficult to achieve correctly but 2nd order is quite accessible with the right driver and design choices. And 4th order seems to be the sweet spot as an all rounder.
    ShinOBIWAN, May 9, 2008
  6. Listener666


    May 4, 2008
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    good point

    The time issue is a VERY good point. I am a bit busy know so i will discuss later:eek:

    All i can say is ..the way my poker playing is going this month i can lose £2k pretty quick:eek::D:eek::D
    Listener666, May 9, 2008
  7. Listener666


    Aug 30, 2007
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    Hi, I've got 215's-well clones anyway.
    In the case of the Tannoys 15's and 215's the xovers are very simple 1st and 2nd order slopes-easy to go active with.
    The comments regards bass output need clarifying; the 215 is more than a 15 with additional bass driver would imply, the bass radiating area is greatly increased LF has much more slam and impact-the bass is bigger, more substantial/tangible.
    Also half the excursion for a given level means lower distortion.
    On the subject of extension each pair of 215 will produce 12dB more output at 30hz than 2 dmt 15's.This really drives a room and when combined with room loading renders the need for a sub redundant IME.
    cooky1257, May 9, 2008
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