dielectric effect?

for the jumpers between my tweeter/woofer banana plugs on the back of my speakers..

Ive got some 2mm thick silver cable, thats coated in varnish, using air as the dialectric.

Having said that, if someone came along and replaced it with a piece of mains flex, I dont think Id hear a difference.


the theory was that the varnish will stop it from oxidising with air still being the dialectric..

my theory might have been flawed of course, and varnish might be the dialectric!.. like I said elsewhere though, Ive spent 2% of my budget on cables, and thats probably 1.5% too much IMHO! ;)

well.. they sit there...they work.. I dont think about cables to be honest, any more than I think about the breezeblocks in my walls..
robbo - you're probably right..!..

although, sad person that I am .. I tried it before and after varnishing and it sounded the same...

Im not sure what that says, if anything..

BUT! it didnt tarnish, which was the main reason :)

sorry, seem to have hijacked.
I would like to see what kind of cable 'suspenders' / 'holders' are available around. Does anybody have links to these 'accessories'?

my child has a Brio train set,the suspended bridge supports look perfect,and they aren't varnished;)
Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
One could even take it a step further by using an inert gas in the cable. Of course, Helium would give a lighter sound, Xenon a brighter sound and Krypton would just be super.

I'll get me coat.

Originally posted by Saab
my child has a Brio train set,the suspended bridge supports look perfect,and they aren't varnished;)
My son has it also but they are too expensive... every 30-40 cm a suspended brio bridge would look very nice for my son. :D :D

If I am going to do anything I found a very cheap solution (4-6 £). First I'm going to do further blind tests... and tidy my room.
Yes, varnish is the dielectric. The varnish is coating the wire just like teflon would. Fact is though it's just jumpers you're talking about, very short distance. The rest of the cable is going to have a far bigger effect.

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