Digital war

Anex said:
Not sure that really compares though, as you say, digital stuff is easy to port (DSOTM!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: ) but also vinyl was an engineering thing where as digital gear is a problem of storage space and processing speeds. Both are increasing quite rapidly which means digital stuff can continually move forward in a way vinyl can't.

But maybe small engineering improvements in vinyl playback will equate in sonic terms to on-the-face-of-it larger improvements in digital music?

upsampling springs to mind.
Perhaps, but there will always be the noise floor & dynamic range of vinyl to hold it back. I reckon at some point we won't be able to hear the difference between digital and analogue and digital has a better range and SNR. Who knows.
Paul has a point.

Digital is here to stay - until some amazing tele-bio-thingy gets invented.

CDs are here for a while, at least 3 years.

digital stereo is here for longer

there is a multi-channel war, so buy SACD/DVD-A if you must - even if only curious.

but otherwise, if you;ve the dosh, and you want some element of future-proof, buy a reasonable SACD/DVD-A player and a good stereo DAC. then you can use the player as transport for CDs, transferring digital out to the hi-end DAC and you can experiment with SACD/DVD-A.
sacd has already lost. pcm is so ubiquitous, even the dvd forums gross ineptitude when concieving and marketing dvd-a (titter) couldn't stop the steamroller. blu-ray will probably support some uber sampling frequency / bit depth. my hope is that they'll impliment floating point pcm rather than the current integer values. that'll really worry vinyl. although even now i can;t really tell the difference between the two if both players are of a similar calibre. you do tend to hit diminishing returns further down the range with digital though but as chris intimated that's due (imho) to analogues more engineering led aproach as opposedto cd's software based aproach. (digimaster, upsampling, etc.)
ultimately though we'll all be sitting arround having music piped to us from a home server. you WILL be assimilated.
amir, buy yourself a squeezebox2, pay someone a lot of money to tweak the piss out of it and then buy a reimyo, weiss, wadia 27 series or teac/esoteric mono dac(s).
if your not happy with that then cut your ears off. ;)

I'd back the squeezebox2, and am waiting on Julian to report just how wonderful it sounds when connected to the Dax Decade, which should also be on your list.
julian2002 said:
amir, buy yourself a squeezebox2, pay someone a lot of money to tweak the piss out of it and then buy a reimyo, weiss, wadia 27 series or teac/esoteric mono dac(s).

in iran we have mark levinson, krell not wiess or wadia or teac.
i agree wiess is the best but i have no access
buying weiss medea is spending 13000$ then i think i should buy krell FPB for 15000$ then for this amp i should buy 20000$ watt puppy and no less than 4000$ for right cabling.
it's question to me what means spending 50000$ for sound?!
Do you agree i should enjoy from my current system?

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