Mighty Rearranger
Try a Teac UX1 thats multiformat and erhh pretty high end 

Anex said:Not sure that really compares though, as you say, digital stuff is easy to port (DSOTM!!!!![]()
) but also vinyl was an engineering thing where as digital gear is a problem of storage space and processing speeds. Both are increasing quite rapidly which means digital stuff can continually move forward in a way vinyl can't.
julian2002 said:amir, buy yourself a squeezebox2, pay someone a lot of money to tweak the piss out of it and then buy a reimyo, weiss, wadia 27 series or teac/esoteric mono dac(s).
Received wisdom from the audiophile press. Show me the scientific evidence, not half-baked pseudo-scientific guff.every component should just do one thing.
bottleneck said:Amir - why dont you buy second hand hifi from www.audiogon.com and import it?
voltage conversions are usually cheap and easy..