Hi 3D Sonics
[[ Hmmm. So, if all distortion is objectionable, have you had your ears re-modeled yet? And what are you using to play music? In any audio system they are demonstrably the highest contributor to distortion (around 30%+ THD for the ears mechanical system @ 92db/200Hz), followed by speakers. ]]
This is your great argument?... But you are forgetting that the inherent distortion of our ears are our reality.When you go to the concert hall , the sound you hear is your reality even with the distortion inherent of your ears...and any departure from that "sound" will be a lack of fidelity (distortion).
[[ Tell that to Prof. Dr. Hawkesford and Paul Mills. And please them in the JAES where they published their articles on the subject in the 80's. They demonstrate quite comprehensively what the reality is. If you disagree with them, please correct their error in said publication, if you can that is.]]
I know the work of Hawkesford and of course I'm not folowing everything he think.But I find interesting the output stage with error correction , that has been ripped off by Halcro , in his amplifiers.
For the people here interested in some of this work (Hawkesford) see:
[[ Then perhaps it would benefit you if you made sure you are aware of comparably recent (eg post 1930's) developments in the field of audio engineering. At the very least it saves egg on your face if someone chooses to expose your ignorance.]]
Ignorance, is to believe that since 1930 to ours days there are no developments in audio engineering.
Certainly you are still using a gramophone , as source in your system!
Give me a break!
Big steps in audio Since 1930 and you certainly are saying 30 , because you think that the invention of the Negative Feeddback by Harold S. Black in 1927 is a milestone...or not?
In 1937 Alan Blumlein introduce the "partial triode operation".That later Hafler and Keroes introduce as Ultralinear Operation.
Near 1950 the invention of the transistor in the Bell Laboratories...is this also for you a back step?
In the same decade , the use of the pentode , as output tube that permit higher gain enabling even more feedback for reducing distortion ....or that is bad?
The introduction of Stereo...or you are listening still in Mono?
In the same decade Peter walker build the first and the best of all time electrostatic Loudspeaker ( the 57 FRED ).
1983 the invention of CD in the multibit form , with some years later the great backward step , the introduction of Bitstream ...or for you the vinyl is still the best?
So I feel that ours perspectives are so different that I fell that I'm loosing my time here and I have more interesting things to do.
So be happy hearing your current drive full range , certainly drived by a SE (pentode for current drive...)and with a NOS Dac , without opamp as I/V.
I will continue to hear my crappy solid state amplifier with my DAC with a NE5532 as I/V. :MILD:
Try to pass a test CD , with a 0dB recorded signal in your NOS DAC and do as Isaac , inspect with a scoop at the output of the DAC ...you will be surprised!
Passa bem!
[[ Hmmm. So, if all distortion is objectionable, have you had your ears re-modeled yet? And what are you using to play music? In any audio system they are demonstrably the highest contributor to distortion (around 30%+ THD for the ears mechanical system @ 92db/200Hz), followed by speakers. ]]
This is your great argument?... But you are forgetting that the inherent distortion of our ears are our reality.When you go to the concert hall , the sound you hear is your reality even with the distortion inherent of your ears...and any departure from that "sound" will be a lack of fidelity (distortion).
[[ Tell that to Prof. Dr. Hawkesford and Paul Mills. And please them in the JAES where they published their articles on the subject in the 80's. They demonstrate quite comprehensively what the reality is. If you disagree with them, please correct their error in said publication, if you can that is.]]
I know the work of Hawkesford and of course I'm not folowing everything he think.But I find interesting the output stage with error correction , that has been ripped off by Halcro , in his amplifiers.
For the people here interested in some of this work (Hawkesford) see:
[[ Then perhaps it would benefit you if you made sure you are aware of comparably recent (eg post 1930's) developments in the field of audio engineering. At the very least it saves egg on your face if someone chooses to expose your ignorance.]]
Ignorance, is to believe that since 1930 to ours days there are no developments in audio engineering.
Certainly you are still using a gramophone , as source in your system!
Give me a break!
Big steps in audio Since 1930 and you certainly are saying 30 , because you think that the invention of the Negative Feeddback by Harold S. Black in 1927 is a milestone...or not?
In 1937 Alan Blumlein introduce the "partial triode operation".That later Hafler and Keroes introduce as Ultralinear Operation.
Near 1950 the invention of the transistor in the Bell Laboratories...is this also for you a back step?
In the same decade , the use of the pentode , as output tube that permit higher gain enabling even more feedback for reducing distortion ....or that is bad?
The introduction of Stereo...or you are listening still in Mono?
In the same decade Peter walker build the first and the best of all time electrostatic Loudspeaker ( the 57 FRED ).
1983 the invention of CD in the multibit form , with some years later the great backward step , the introduction of Bitstream ...or for you the vinyl is still the best?
So I feel that ours perspectives are so different that I fell that I'm loosing my time here and I have more interesting things to do.
So be happy hearing your current drive full range , certainly drived by a SE (pentode for current drive...)and with a NOS Dac , without opamp as I/V.
I will continue to hear my crappy solid state amplifier with my DAC with a NE5532 as I/V. :MILD:
Try to pass a test CD , with a 0dB recorded signal in your NOS DAC and do as Isaac , inspect with a scoop at the output of the DAC ...you will be surprised!

Passa bem!
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