Distortion or not my nosDAC sounds dam good.
T-bone Sanchez said:Distortion or not my nosDAC sounds dam good.
Stuart said:3D - you've identified 3 possible remedies in your post avove.
Tube_Dude said:For me any distortion is objectionable .
Tube_Dude said:Only if can't get rid of the distortion, you must choose between the one that you find less objectionable.
Tube_Dude said:Idiotic is pretending that any distortion isn't objectionable and may be even desirable (for to add some warm...?) , or a thing , not to care about.
Tube_Dude said:In 1984 I began to try passive resistor I/V in my now defunct Philips CD 100 .
Tube_Dude said:In a current drive speaker you made a trade of. You get more excursion linearity , but less timming and fidelity to the original signal waveform.
Tube_Dude said:If you measure the voltage at the therminals of the speaker , you will see that this voltage represents much of the motional voltage (the voltage produced by the effective movement of the voice coil speaker ). In the resonant frequencies you will have a much greater voltage , that show that the speaker at that frequencies are running without any control and as you must know , a ressonance in the frequency domain is equivalent to a prolongment in time , in the time domain.
Tube_Dude said:And in this discussion , is you that must give the proof , because you are saying that a speaker must be current operated
Tube_Dude said:and this is against the rules that much clever people ,before us , ( P. Walker, Baxxandal, Hafler,....and much more )
Tube_Dude said:The faith can't be confused with science , and for me Audio is Engineering
Cool - thanks - I mis-understood what you were saying3DSonics said:Nope, I said that in order to work as intended three conditions need to be met.
Subjectively, yes.chris1968 said:have you noticed improvements in yours over time - subjective i know but gotta ask
3DSonics said:Hi,
This becomes highly philosophical at this point.
Ciao T
BerylliumDust said:Man, you are really lost... you must make up your mind...
BerylliumDust said:Either you believe in fighting distortion (by means of trimming your DACs) or you don't... which will be?
BerylliumDust said:PS: If our ears "distort" how is our perceived reality?!
BerylliumDust said:How can we localize and identify a sound source in the dark?!
BerylliumDust said:All I hope is hearing, and only hearing my ears' distortion... not your equipment's distortion!
Kit said:Does anyone know of a utility for calculating I/V and Vref resistor values for a TDA1543?
Isaac Sibson said:T-bone - look up "electrolytic capacitor forming" on google. They can and do change, and I've measured variations in amplifiers due to it.
T-bone Sanchez said:I'll just take your word for it, Im too tired and my head hurts.
That's both arrogant and presumptious. You've never even heard a NOS DAC! You might well be able to tell the difference between the two but there's no way you'd be able to hear the "distortion" in the NOS DAC.BerylliumDust said:It might happen... but only if your set-up would be so f**ked up that everything would always sound the same regardless of the solution being used or if you would be using two NOS DACs...
I'd like to see a 15kHz sinewave output from a NOS DAC that is known to not be faulty but anyway, being able to see distortion on the scope and being able to hear it are two quite different things. The Stereophile trace showed the NOS DAC representing a 20kHz sinewave as a square wave. There is no way that you, or any other human being, can tell apart a 20kHz sinewave from a 20kHz square wave by ear. The distortion in this case is made up of frequency fundamentals well beyond the limits of human hearing.PS: Isaac's scope showed a distinct distortion using a 15kHz (not 1kHz) sinewave which is characteristic of a normal NOS DAC.
3DSonics said:Hi,
I don't believe anything actually. I actively disbelieve. I prefer to know.
3DSonics said:That is the point, you NEVER percieve reality. You percieve an interpreted and processed form of it.
3DSonics said:Distortion in the traditional sense is something that affects the waveshape, which has more to do with the percieved tonaity.
michaelab said:That's both arrogant and presumptious. You've never even heard a NOS DAC! You might well be able to tell the difference between the two but there's no way you'd be able to hear the "distortion" in the NOS DAC.