DIY mains cable...


I have tried them both in the last couple of years.
First one has too many gaps in the screening.

The second (one I am using now) is double screened with fine Cu and much better.
Michael (much more experienced than me) will be trying this out soon and report back to the forum.

The TNT TTS with Belden 83802 is a much superior cable indeed. With its double foil shielding it shouldn't cause any capacitance problems when platted.
But if you don't want to do that, there is also a 3-core version; Belden 83803.

Have a look at
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why not get a few of you to club together and buy a roll i used olmas cy screened cable ferrite clips and braid looks a million dollars wi blue heatshrink on the ends and sounds fine as well
I've got a reel of 83802 in the garage. Happy to cut down to whatever lengths anyone wants for £5 metre + P&P. PM me if your interested.
In province we have to pay 15% tax,buying from another province we pay 7% tax,these have to be added on to the price unlike the UK where tax is included. I don't know what happens when you import into UK?

Take a look at, this bloke has some very good mains cables ready made or buy in kit form or just the cable, I found his mains cables to be far better than the Russ Andrews cables I had been using and at a fraction of the cost.

Cheers The Nankin
mudgey said:
In province we have to pay 15% tax,buying from another province we pay 7% tax,these have to be added on to the price unlike the UK where tax is included. I don't know what happens when you import into UK?
15% is only slightly less than in the UK.
But we have to pay an import duty of 6-8%. And for some strange reason, one Dollar price in the US become one Pound after it cross the pond :rolleyes:
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julian2002 said:
i'm thinking of taking a punt on one of these...

yes i could probably get all the bits cheaper individually but i've just done a search on shielded cable and places like maplin and rs want upwards of 80 quid for a 50 meter roll - F*CK that. i only need 5, 1m, cables in total (if they are any good).

what price are decent plugs and iec sockets (like the wattgate from the supra kit)? as they do just the wire for 11 quid a meter which wilst still exhorbitant may work out cheaper for 5 meters (i'm clumsy).

i've had a brief cast about and found some inca plugs for 20 quid and a cheap furutech for 19.99. so on face falue the supra jobbie doesn't seem too bad.

basicly i'm fishing for any advice for sourcing the bits for a shielded mains cable (not woven as my naim gear doesn;t seem to like this - and neither anecdotally does my isotek).

oh yes - is deoxit worth getting and playing with?



Check out Mark 01158779089 He sells all kind of bits for DIY and his prices are very good. Tell him David recommended you. Cheers
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Class A said:

Check out Mark 01158779089 He sells all kind of bits for DIY and his prices are very good. Tell him David recommended you. Cheers
Bought a set of Eichmann Bullets from Missing Link last week. At £25 incl P&P, it was the lowest price in the UK. He also included a length of silver solder. Long enough to make another two sets!

Mark, the owner, is knowledgeable, friendly and helpful.
His kits are comprehensive and his mark up on them is very fair.
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right, i've just built and installed another 2 supra mains cables at 39 quid a pop (they were 1.5 m jobbies as they needed to reach a bit further). these 2 are running the 2 hi-caps for my 82 (preamp). a subtle but worthwhile change in the sound after about 2 songs. the bass is fatter (but not sloppy) and the treble is cleaner, timing is a bit more incisive (faster) and the soundstage has become slightly larger in all 3 dimensions. i'm listening to grids rollercoaster at the moment and it sounds fast, detailed and groovy as hell. as i said a worthwhile fiddle. i'm still running standard mains leads on the dac and pc - these will change next month and then it's the biggie, a new squeezebox psu!

Few days ago I finished building a platted TNT TTS cable using three Teflon twin core cables with double foil screening.

Best mains cable I ever had :-)

Platting is hard on the fingers but well worth the effort.
unfortunately plaits / twists / weaves / etc. don't fit well with my amps - hence the need for shielded cable in the 1st place.

julian2002 said:
...and then it's the biggie, a new squeezebox psu!...
I'd be interested to hear about that, since I just got one. Hope you keep us all informed - everyone should have one!
they (or their equivalents) are the future imho. i'll keep you informaed as to what i discover with the psu's. there are a couple of options, tony (wadia miester) has offered to build me one, but i don't want to mess him about until i have the money to do it as i know he's an incredibly busy man. also russ andrews offer a customisation of their power pak's for any dc voltage / ampage so i may give that a try (if they do thier 60 day money back thing) - but i have a soft spot for big toroids in preference to smps, not sure if there are any others that do bespoke psu's (anyone?). I don't think the clock is worth upgrading on the s/box but i am looking into what i can improve with my server and native flac decoding at the squeezebox end would be a big help i believe.

nankin said:
Take a look at, this bloke has some very good mains cables ready made or buy in kit form or just the cable.

Cheers The Nankin

I just ordered an Opal-F to use with my CDX, I'm currently using a Campaign Audio Design conqueror~mi. Will report back later.

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