DIY mains, oh dear :(

CM, when Merlin/Henry and myself tested the Jaya at Rock 'n' Roll HQ, I can report it made a subtle, improvement to the upper freqenices, and smoothed things out a touch, BUT Did NOT screw the music :) It plugs directly into the wall socket that you are using for your main power feeds to your vibe makers.
It did the above even with power conditioners fitted.
It works, unlike a lot of others. Tone
WM uses the Trichord ones.

I like them, they made a useful differnence to my Arcam Alpha 8cdp / DAC20 and Audiolab 8000LX amp I was running. Not tried one with the Densen amp yet, but I will be buying one as soon as I can justify one to myself.

Penance for the money, Eupen's offer very good preformance, A lot of forum members have tried them invarious systems, to good effect, even Herny T's Gamaut D200 respended well to the Eupens, which is the first time a power chord has made a difference (and he has tried a few)
Places where we have had good results inclue Lilolee's Tube den of eniquitty/Robbo's/GrahamN's (although I think he uses Trichord's own power leads)/Timpy's/Mike(our esteamed leader and peace maker)/P Birkett/Even I have them, although I've replace the main 3 with some new ones, and these were, slightly more.
They do take a while to 'burn in' about 180-200, you could put them on the kettle for while.
Anyway the are pretty good for the cash.WM
Originally posted by wadia-miester
even Herny T's Gamaut D200 respended well to the Eupens, which is the first time a power chord has made a difference (and he has tried a few)
Correction here ;), I have indeed tried a few power cables (mainly Kimber and Russ Andrews) on my GamuT power amp and they have all had a noticeable effect one way or another, but the Eupens produced the best results so far for me.

My amp is the only component I don't currently run off of a mains conditioner as I haven't found one that it works with (probably what WM was getting confused with). I agree with the comments Julian made in his post of power conditioners and amps. Not all amps, but for some reason the GamuT seems to be a particularly fussy customer. :rolleyes:

I have Trichords too (2 of) and they work brillantly on every other component in my system. They are somewhat pricey compared to the DIY alternatives, but if you don't mind the industrial look then Kermit's approach is also rather good as I've heard his system. :cool:

BTW, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought someone had had a somewhat major dissaster like blowing a piece of equipment up, electricution or fire! :eek: Phew, thank goodness it wasn't! :)
but if you don't mind the industrial look then Kermit's approach is also rather good as I've heard his system.

thanks henry , i havn,t recommended a diy approach , cos of the thread title :eek:
but the simple truth is pennance , if you can hide an isolation tranny or if you don,t mind industrial then this approach is the cheapest .
and if you can put a diy mains filter together , then connecting up an isolation tranny is a doddle .
a 1 kva tranny is about £120 + cost of cables you choose to hook it up with .(eupens diy cable would be a good choice )
most commercial 1kva trannies cost about £500 (but this does include a nice looking case)
the lynwood is less than £500 (i think £300) , so it does make a good case for itself financially .cookiemonster knows the details on the lynwood,s so it might be worth PMing him .
if you want links , for the diy stuff , let me know .:)
kermit - I'm quite interested in going down the DIY mains conditioner route. Where did you get your trannys and are they all the same? What's the difference between a good one and a bad one?

Also - a few pointers on how they should be wired up would help (unless that's obvious from the tranny itself).

Just FYI penance:

2 lynwoods at present, which have actually been around for some time, although they have been updated with newer versions over the years. The latest model was introduced in 98 i think, and has a cream/beige case as opposed to the old grey:

Advanced - 2 sockets - 1Kw - £150
Mega - 3 sockets - 3Kw - £300

Although, i believe there is also a low current derivative for pre's/ front end etc.

There is also a new bit of kit just out of the pipeline which will be on display at Heathrow in Sep, i am led to understand.

More info and my pathetic ramblings here:

Should be contact details there too - or PM if you require.
cookie - where can you get info on the lynwoods? I thought they didn't exist anymore coz I couldn't find any references to them on the net at all.

A 1kw transformer for £150 sounds like a bargain! (esp. given that the 1Kw trichord is £500!)

Advanced - 2 sockets - 1Kw - £150
Mega - 3 sockets - 3Kw - £300

even better value than i thought !

michael , going by the prices of the lynwoods , i,d be first to recommend trying them first .
but the info on diy .
i use two makes of isolation transformer
the 1kva and the 500va are here

and the 2kva is here.

as you can see the 2kva brand is quite a bit cheaper than the other brand i use .
another plus for this make is that it is quite a bit quieter in operation (it does hum , but it is easily cured )
but i prefer the other one .
it is noisy in operation (it can be tamed , but it took a while to come up with feet that put the vibration up out of audio range)
the connections are bigger and stronger .
its sounds better ;)
so its a case of getting what you pay for .

the connections read 0 - primary - earth
0 is neutral , primary is live earth is :rolleyes:
its like wiring up a plug .
adding a fuse at the input is recomended.

what i can,t comment on is how my trannies compare to say the lynwood in quality .(assuming they source bulk , but still have to make a profit)
any questions , post them here or pm me . :)
Lynwood mains cleaners
Wentworth Audio LTD
Coley Lane Farm
S62 7SQ

01709 873667 Ask to speak to David

Dave said he did not mind me posting his contact details - i hope you don't mind me putting them here either Michael?

kermy - . Quality/build wise - it is heavy - half the size of a shoe box - in a bland beige thick solid metal box. Remarkably i have not popped the lid - it has worked well in my system as you know for the money i paid, and being not particularly 'techie' i have not ventured to see what components have been used internally.

The next Lynwood will be a 2kva tranny priced at £800 - which may seem strange compared to the others - not sure if it has component isolation built in - higher spec etc. Have not investigated that far yet.

Give him a ring - honest geezer - see how they match up spec wise to your own DIY stuff.

i wouldn't mind the smaller 1kw effort for my sources and then use my current Mega just for amplification. I may get one in the future, so as to seperate the components more effectively, as at the moment everything is sourced off the Mega i have. I have heard it is also better to keep analogue and digital sources seperate??
kermy - . Quality/build wise - it is heavy - half the size of a shoe box - in a bland beige thick solid metal box. Remarkably i have not popped the lid - it has worked well in my system as you know for the money i paid, and being not particularly 'techie' i have not ventured to see what components have been used internally

i get into eveything . lol
i remember trying the music works block .:rolleyes:
had it apart , before it was plugged in .:D
DIYed it :o

on quality ,of the lynwoods ,
i,ve never seen a bad report and theres quite a few guy,s across the forums using them now.
i,d certainly try one , if i wanted any more (probably)

on the new one i imagine it,ll be a better tranny , perhaps a large rated filter and a nicer case .
(the money these things cost , even a god ugly one is over £100 , so i,d dread to see what say the isotek ones cost)
I'd be happy to sort something out if you wanted a demo in your own rig.

I did take apart my Olson before i plugged it in:) quite substantial inside and weighty too. Not bad really 'cos that was also a cheapy. That's now fed off the Mega BTW, supplying the sources only. Amp is fed straight from the tranny.

notice the cyrus guy on classifieds
:boughtMF: - wonder what those boxes are for;)

Thanks Kermit and Cookie for the replies to my PM (answered here cuz im to lazy to send more PM's:rolleyes: )

im not sure what route would be best yet, have to say the Lynwood seems a bargain, and fractionaly more than the DIY route.
I should get the Eupens nextweek, so i think i should see how they settle in and give some more time for the dynaudio's to run in and the re-assess everything.
notice the cyrus guy on classifieds
wonder what those boxes are for

well it definately aint for shoes
good idea if its to fit power supplies , although he,ll be costrained by the size .

i wonder why most manufacturers use toroidal transformers in their kit , but the isolation transformer makers use frame type trannies .(as frame type are touted as better sounding)
is it just an issue of size in their designs ?
is this why most kit can be improved when used on an isolation transformer?
anybody got any insights?
possibly becuase of cost aswell?
A toroidal is harder to wind, needs to be done by hand but as you say it fits in a case better.
For a conditioner the size isnt restricted asmuch, but to supply say a 1Kva tranny in frame format would save lotsa cash as opposed to a toroidal.

just a thought:confused: