DIY mains, oh dear :(

Penance, ref the triode designs DIY filter..

What size chokes did you use, and how does the value stack up against the total current you are drawing? Did you use class X/Y caps throughout? What VDRs did you use?

How did you manage to get all the bits you need and build & trial the thing between 8pm on Wednesday (when triode design first mentioned in the other thread) & 9.30 pm on Thursday (when you started this thread)!!.
(Please don't take this the wrong way - I am intrigued, 'cos it took me nearly three weeks to source the bits, 'cos Maplins don't hold the caps in stock in their shops..)
yea was all x/y class
cant remember exact choke values
VDR 275V

I found the riode design a few weeks ago and ordered most of the stuff from RS
Built it on Wednesday afternoon and plugged in early evening.
May have looked like grease lightning but i had the stuff already to hand;)
Sounds like the right bits. There is a trade off between inductance & current capacity - the higher the inductance, the lower the current handling. For sources (CDP, DAC etc) the current draw is very low, but if you have a power amp (or indeed hungry integrated amp), you may need larger current capacity, & hence smaller value chokes?

Did you check the circuit with a meter before plugging in? It really shouldn't have such a dramatic negative effect..
yea all checked for continuity and insulation resistance.

all checked OK on connections, ill pop the top off and check both chokes are connected the same way but thats all there is to check.

Off the top of my head i think the chokes are around 7Mh 2.5A
tried both and in single, ill give it another good listen tomorrow

feeling a tad sketchy today and dont think i could notice the difference between a 50quid Akai and a 20K setup:chunder: :beer: