DNM speaker cable vs. the rest

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BD, the theories you posted above about the effects of speaker cables with speakers and amps are not backed up by the measurements in the paper I linked (which I note you totally ignored) so they can safely be assumed to be incorrect.

I remember you firmly believe that there is no audible difference between cables... any cables, so in your case what measurements are for?
That's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. However, you are the one who's saying that measurement is everything and then deciding that, oh well, maybe it isn't if it contradicts your latest theory :rolleyes: . The measurements in the paper I linked show both that:

a) high capacitance (low inductance) speaker cables generally have a flatter response than any others.
b) the difference is so small as not to be audible.

So the measurements simulateneously show that:

a) you're wrong about high resistance DNM being a "better" cable
b) that you (or anyone else) would be able to hear the difference anyway.

And I just want to add, that I agree with penance and probably pretty much everyone else here that your posts are becoming extremely tedious and have no purpose whatsoever. You read one thing or hear something that TD tells you and then you try to ram it down everyone elses throat and you simply don't recognize when you are both wrong and contradicting yourself. This is the second thread that has had to be split because you insisted on starting and continuing and argument about the merits (or otherwise) of DNM cable. I'm sorry to say that if you continue to post in this manner you will give me no choice but to ban you :mad: .


I already have told you this... and I'm going to tell you once more, for the very last time:

Bring your cables with you and we will null test them against DNMs. When we null test an amp connected to the speakers we are null testing the amp/cable/speaker interaction. Changing cables will tell us the difference...
BerylliumDust said:
Now I'm going to tell you what the benefit of low capacitance cables is from a cable/speaker interacting perspective.

Speakers (voice coil speakers) are essentially inductances (almost pure inductances at higher frequencies). These inductances are many times higher than any reasonable length of DNM cable for domestic use, therefore cable inductance makes no substantial difference in this context.

With high capacitance speaker cables you have a resonator circuit formed by cable capacitante and voice coil inductance which causes a time smearing of the audio signal. In this case the lower the cable resistance, the more rapidly does the signal vary with frequency at frequencies near resonance.
But wouldn't the fact that there is a crossover between the voice coil and the cable make this irrelevant?

Oh and would putting a capitor in parallel to the speaker cable help, because that way you would lower the capacitance?
LiloLee said:

Oh and would putting a capitor in parallel to the speaker cable help, because that way you would lower the capacitance?

Actually, what some cable manufacturers do is to use a Zobel network (R in series with C) to compensate for the high capacitance in their cables...

But then again, there is nothing better than a Zobel network that no Zobel network...
The only reason any cable manufacturer puts a Zobel network or inductor on their cables is because some amps (notably Naim) become unstable with a high capacitance cable. 99% of amps have a Zobel network or inductor before the speaker outputs so this is largely irrelevant.

And you still haven't answered Lee's question or addressed that fact that when measured with real amps and speakers high capcitance cables have the flattest frequency response.
So, I can conclude that your Ocos (they do have Zobel networks) and also Transparent cables only should be used with 1% of amps... but surely that is NOT what those manufacturers are telling you.

Besides your amp belong to the 99% category of amps, therefore you shouldn't be using Ocos...

PS: Naim amps do have Zobel network.
penance said:
she doesnt like you.

I know, she likes Homer...

"Homer explained that he never passed Science 101.

Marge : "But, Homer! You're a nuclear technician."
Homer : "Marge! IcksNay on the UclearNay EchnicianTay."
Marge : "What did you say?"
Homer : "I don't know. I flunked Latin, too."

Homer thinking back...

When I was seventeen
I drank some very good beer
I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID
My name was Brian McGee
I stayed up listening to Queen
When I was seventeen"
BerylliumDust said:
There must be something very wrong with either your system or with you...
Now this is not very nice BD.

I've (with help from a few friends) tried several cables (I/Cs, mains and speakers) in my system and I've not found them to make much difference, yet in other systems I've heard differences that were greater than replacing the source. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with me or my system (or indeed Michael or his system as the remark was directed at him).
Dev said:
Now this is not very nice BD.

I've (with help from a few friends) tried several cables (I/Cs, mains and speakers) in my system and I've not found them to make much difference, yet in other systems I've heard differences that were greater than replacing the source. This does not mean that there is anything wrong with me or my system (or indeed Michael or his system as the remark was directed at him).

Have you ever wonder why is that?
Frankly, who cares? I know I don't need to waste money (or time) on cables and can just sit back and enjoy the music when I can and now a days that's not very often (and that's the real loss IMO) :(.

However, again you seem to have missed the point of my previous post. I.e. it's not nice to tell someone there is something wrong with them or their system just because they can't hear cables make any difference. There are indeed reasons but to say there is something wrong with them is a bit personal.
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