Do cables make a difference ?

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the suggestion has been made but it appears Michael has set an unreasonable price tag. I guess that makes it easier to hold onto.
3DSonics said:
In this world there are only two kinds of people, those who get it and those who don't.

'There are two types of people; those who divide people into two types, and those who don't'

Anon/author forgotten.
penance said:
Or, just maybe, you secretly are worried of the sonic difference
merlin said:
Michael has set an unreasonable price tag. I guess that makes it easier to hold onto
£100 for a 3.5m pair of Ocos speaker cable is a very reasonable price. Someone desperate to sell might set a lower price. I'm not, so I can set whatever price I like. Simple economics, not that hard to understand.


michaelab said:
£100 for a 3.5m pair of Ocos speaker cable is a very reasonable price. Someone desperate to sell might set a lower price. I'm not, so I can set whatever price I like.

Do I small roast Camel? Sure do.

If you honestly believed that cables made no difference and as you had the OCOS for "free", why not replace it with some mainsflex from the local hardware shop (which will sound the same anyway according to you), auction off the OCOS on E-Bay (or elsewhere) and give the Proceeds to Doctors without Frontiers or to a local charity for children in need? Do a good deed and show that you actually believe in what you preach at the same time, how could you resist.

Why all this manouvering?

Who knows, maybe Stereo Mic would be willing to donate £100 to Doctors without Borders if you give him your OCOS? It's all for a good couse folks!

Ciao T
3d - I don't have a point to prove and I don't need to sell my cable. If someone wants my cable they can pay me a fair price for it. End of story. No 'manouvering'.
Seriously Michael, you argue strongly that cables make no difference, but you dont really reflect this view in your choice of wire. I've thought this for ages. You cant really have your cake and eat it.
Seems like manoevering to me Michael. Why not put it on EBay? Or Advertise it on the forum?

I think £100 is OTT for something you got for nothing, but will donate £100 to charity on your behalf as suggested by Thorsten if you like. We can both justify that. I'll even find you some replacements, and send them to you.

What do you say? It's not like you need £100 in your pocket any more than you need expensive and pointless speaker cables is it?
For example I've recently come to the distinct conclusion that my Isolda is not worth the upgrade from my old Chord Rumour II. Luckily I bought the Isolda used so should get most or all my money back. However, the Chord cable sounds significantly better than T&E to me. Seems your in a similar position, yet you argue the opposite opinion.
Why not put it on EBay? Or Advertise it on the forum?
I have done both in the past. There were no takers.

If you want my cable you can pay me for it. Whether I got the cable for nothing is irrelevant to the market value of it. I'm not accepting the charity donation idea. There is no reason at all I should have to donate my cable to charity or sell it for a below market value just to prove a point to satisfy you or anyone else.
Fair enough. As there were no takers it's fair to say you are asking too much, which is odd given that you supposedly attach no value to it.

Still, the fact that you have turned down goods to the value and the opportunity to do some good (surely of value to a liberal such as yourself?), along with the offer to replace your cables free of charge, does not exactly reflect any of your stated convictions does it Michael?

Walk the walk?

michaelab said:
I have done both in the past. There were no takers.

If you want my cable you can pay me for it. Whether I got the cable for nothing is irrelevant to the market value of it. I'm not accepting the charity donation idea. There is no reason at all I should have to donate my cable to charity or sell it for a below market value just to prove a point to satisfy you or anyone else.

Okay, so let me sumarise your position then, okay? Correct me if I misrepresent you.

1) You suggest that cables make no audible difference and that selling "specialist cables" by charging market value (in other words as much as they can charge and find a buyer) , in the light of them making no difference is wrong. :respect:

2) You have a Cable you have no particular desire to keep, which makes no audible difference and you have not aquired it by providing a market value payment for it. Yet you insist on profiting maximally according to market value (in other words as much as you can charge and find a buyer) from selling something that makes no difference to someone. :shame:

I still seem to smell roast camel, but maybe it's just me. To me this seems at least somewhat paradoxical. :confused:

(Withall due respect) Ciao T
merlin said:
the fact that you have turned down goods to the value
I haven't. You offered me "a mobile phone", no values were mentioned. I don't need or want another mobile phone.

the opportunity to do some good
I won't have the ways in which I choose to "do good" be dictated by you or anyone else.

does not exactly reflect any of your stated convictions does it Michael?
There is no contradiction.

Since the veneer of niceness that came with your Stereo Mic alias has clearly worn off and you're back to your old ways of snide remarks, putting words in peoples mouths and generally aggressive posting I'm of a mind to change your login name to merlin so that no-one is in any doubt about the snake in the grass they're dealing with :mad:

I wondered why he was showing me so much attention - why did he bother with an alias?
3DSoncis said:
You have a Cable you have no particular desire to keep
I also have no particular desire to sell it. It does the job as well as any other could and it's not worth a great deal so I'm perfectly happy with the status quo. If someone wanted my cable and was prepared to pay me a fair price for it I'd sell it and find a substitute. I'm certainly not about to let merlin of all people get my cable for a knockdown price!

If you're determined to read something into all that that isn't there (something that, being a cable believer, you're quite good at) then be my guest.

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