Dsotm latest!

i very nearly bought a senior coconut album on sunday... but then sense prevailed. i think that had a samba version of some pf on it. not the kraftwerk we heard at chris's. if it's there next week i may consider it to be fate and take a punt.

dub side of the moon sounds interesting too.


me tooooo!!! (except it was saturday!) there it was, on vinyl in Fopp and i thought shall I shall I?

but then it was Nitin and Belle and Sebastian for knock down cash, and mr senior coconuts lost out...

Pink Floyd write hauntingly beautiful music, that cuts straight through. Thats why theyre loved by discerning music lovers the world over.
If 'shine on you crazy diamond' or 'cumfortably numb' dont move you, then give up on music :D :D


So Chris, are you challenging me to an arm wrestle? :D

"Shine on" is OK because it's about Syd, but it's too bleeding long. It would have made a great 3 minute pop song, though.

-- Ian
Ian - I've never heard Soft Machine but I still rate DSOTM as one of the best albums ever. Space Cadet - comparing it to Tubular Bells is sacrilege! I have Tubular Bells (and TB II :shame: ) and I quite like it but it's completely throwaway compared to DSOTM.

"Time" is one of my all time favourite songs - it so sums up the way I often feel :eek: If that makes me middle class and self indulgent...then so be it :JOEL:

Fear not Michael, liking Floyd doesn't make you middle class and self-indulgent. Being Floyd, on the other hand...

I get agitated by Floyd because all my adult life all the really exciting new pop music has been, directly or indirectly, an attempt to kick back against all the overblown noodlery they (and "Stairway to Heaven", much as I love LZ I wish they'd never written that bloody song) represent. I sort of hoped punk might kill it for good, but sadly its increasingly rotting corpse keeps gasping into fitful life.

Maybe that's why I don't listen to pop music as much as I used to...

Having said that, Syd's 3 albums ("The Madcap Laughs", "Barrett" and "Opel") are terrific. Hopefully every Floyd fan has them.

-- Ian
Having herd Dub side of the moon this evening, I can say that even DR Plinquenstein would consider it 'Funky baby', shame about the rest of the upper intellecitual twaddle he indulges in :cool: Evening Ian, how's life in Plinque lane ?
Life is good Tone. Saw an ace John Zorn gig last night that I think you might have quite liked. Might have been a bit loud for you though :D

A mix of free jazz/heavy metal/general noisy mayhem with some cartoon music and duck calls thrown in. Spiffing. Blew my slippers right off.

-- Ian
Originally posted by michaelab
Ian - I've never heard Soft Machine but I still rate DSOTM as one of the best albums ever. Space Cadet - comparing it to Tubular Bells is sacrilege! I have Tubular Bells (and TB II :shame: ) and I quite like it but it's completely throwaway compared to DSOTM.
I wasn't trying to compare them musically Michael, only that IMHO they are both stupidly overrated and for some unfathomable reason they keep getting re-issued, re-hashed and regurgitated back into our faces.
When DSOTM was discussed over at HFC I begged people to try and convince me what they heard in this album that I couldn't and I think its fair to say that no one could. Main argument seemed to be that this latest anniversary issue proved that it had stood the test of time and it was therefore a classic...bollocks! That's called marketing and you all fell for it!!
One of my favourite albums (Spacemen 3's Perfect Prescription) has just been re-issued with an extra cd to boot, but I won't buy it. It was good enough back then and there's far too much new music about that I need.
So let's stop lining the pockets of cynical marketing men and mediocre musicians, let go of these records that made you feel so grown up when you weren't (they won't bring your youth back y'know) and move onto pastures new.
Any yak-herding chant recommendations?

Agree with Sideshowbob regarding Syd though, what fools the other Floyds were to let him go...
Originally posted by sideshowbob
"Shine on" is OK because it's about Syd, but it's too bleeding long.
No Ian, you've got it all wrong - the only problem with "Shine on" is it's too bleeding short (about 17 hours too short ;) ). Buggers stopped just when they'd got going!

(Found your pipe yet? Definitely would've been safer not to've been smoking mine when that band started up! I thought we were going to be kind to John and make out it was utter crap?)
Originally posted by timpy

But Ian, I thought you were allergic to anything with a discernable tune? ;)


I don't see any contradiction in what Ian said. Admittedly it did take a degree of musical acumen on the part of the audience to find it :p , but somehow it did struggle through the assorted duck noises and mad battery of percussion. Now I think I see what Linn really mean. :MILD:
Graham, Best no go to new Naim Demo then :D, you get a 'free' bobbing 'Tune plant' in the front row :ffrc: :ffrc: :ffrc:.
Maybe they should employ Ian at their demo's he so unadversed to a Tune :D that if he started Bopping, it must be good :lol:
A "Tune Plant" Tone?

Would that be one of those silly moving plastic flower thingies.. ;)

It wouldn't work it they played some of Ian's stuff. The plant aspect of the set-up would be too obvious :D:D

Originally posted by GrahamN
I don't see any contradiction in what Ian said. Admittedly it did take a degree of musical acumen on the part of the audience to find it :p

Are you sure they weren't just being polite? :p

I think experience must help, so as to know which parts to ignore and which relate to any musical content. It's strange though, with that level of apparent musical scrambling available from the source material, how to you build a hi-fi to play it?

Must upgrade the de-scrambler :duck:
Timpy, since you weren't there and don't know what it sounded like, you're on thin ice here...

FWIW I love great pop music, as any glance at my music collection would show. I don't listen to it as much as I used to, but I still love it. I don't often post about it either, but that's because it's always more interesting to read about unfamiliar things, so when I post about music (and take music to bake-offs) I like to choose things that may be new to people. I would take a classic 3 minute pop tune over any of the burblings of pomp-rock "serious" cod-intellectual musos like Floyd any day of the week.

-- Ian
Still at least this thread has been elevated to a higher level by talking about the Zorn gig, rather than Dull Side of the Moon.

I couldn'r believe how hyper Zorn made me feel. Driving through London far too fast (Sorry Ian & Graham if I scared you) and then racing home. Stunning was not the word. Mind you I don't think they've invented the word to describe it. On record I'm not so sure it would have made sense, but live...phew

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