lawrie and your question was ?, if we put a ec cdp in ju's system at the time would it be groovy ? I doubt it very much in deed, it's smooth, refined and sweet presenation with very good upper freqencey openiness, just doesn't seem to lend itself to grooving. But then for you lawrie, you will need more regardless.
you ability to be "lawrie" is superb sir, have you ever concidered seeking employment in corperate banking if feel your talents are totaly wasted. 'Self styled' I just noticed that, for you sir most apt, excellent self apprisial, prehaps also employment agenices you could run, no need for application forms, lawrie has the measure of you.
I am greatful to your kind self for helping me to seek out and improve on those character qualities I so sadly lack, and that you ooze in such abundance, you are indeed a self style person of high importance, I'm sure that many, many people aspire to your charisma, It's been a privildge lawrie, to know you been waiting in the wings, to vet every thing I do, what a safety net, I'm honured sir

Lawrie for euro preseident, you gets my vote, your humble servant Wm