Electrocompaniet emc1

either take it over the the 'fight' thread on the chat forum or let it lie. i think it was obvious that there wasn;t an emc1 at my house on saturday or else i wouldn;t be asking about it. all i wanted was a few opinions on the beastie./

Originally posted by julian2002
either take it over the the 'fight' thread on the chat forum or let it lie. i think it was obvious that there wasn;t an emc1 at my house on saturday or else i wouldn;t be asking about it. all i wanted was a few opinions on the beastie./


Hey Julian,

Point taken sir and digested as well. However, when WM responds in a way that presumes that a comparison was made, then further clarification is required. I fail to see how a component heard in a completely different system and that has not yet been heard in your system could even be commented upon in the way that WM did. That's all.

Btw, has my name being submitted for banning yet, as it is the Holy WM that we are dealing with here? How dare me?;)

Merlin - you were saying?;) Look, I haven't used 'dude' or 'dudester' once since your last English lesson.:D Btw, did you notice that WM also referred to me a 'dudester' or do you just have selective eyesight?

Enjoy the music,

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lawrie and your question was ?, if we put a ec cdp in ju's system at the time would it be groovy ? I doubt it very much in deed, it's smooth, refined and sweet presenation with very good upper freqencey openiness, just doesn't seem to lend itself to grooving. But then for you lawrie, you will need more regardless.
you ability to be "lawrie" is superb sir, have you ever concidered seeking employment in corperate banking if feel your talents are totaly wasted. 'Self styled' I just noticed that, for you sir most apt, excellent self apprisial, prehaps also employment agenices you could run, no need for application forms, lawrie has the measure of you.
I am greatful to your kind self for helping me to seek out and improve on those character qualities I so sadly lack, and that you ooze in such abundance, you are indeed a self style person of high importance, I'm sure that many, many people aspire to your charisma, It's been a privildge lawrie, to know you been waiting in the wings, to vet every thing I do, what a safety net, I'm honured sir :) Lawrie for euro preseident, you gets my vote, your humble servant Wm
Originally posted by wadia-miester

you ability to be "lawrie" is superb sir, have you ever concidered seeking employment in corperate banking if feel your talents are totaly wasted.

Lawrie for euro preseident, you gets my vote, your humble servant Wm

Hey WM,

That's spooky - very spooky indeed! You almost guessed my profession correctly. I am actually in Investment Banking and based on the Sales Desk (previously a Shares Trader) so as you can see, my talents are not totally wasted.;)

So, indirectly, you've answered the question in that the EMC-1 was not tested in the same system as the other players you mentioned. Hmmm!!!

As for the Euro president thing, well waffling is not my thing so I think I'll pass on that one - catch my drift?:D

Enjoy the music,

Originally posted by Lawrie
Merlin - Btw, did you notice that WM also referred to me a 'dudester' or do you just have selective eyesight?

I did indeed Lawrie, you might want to look up the word "irony" in the dictionary;)
Originally posted by wadia-miester

The voltage conversion is fairly straight forward, and if it don't tickle your fancy, you can bang it out here for a small profit, which is always a bouns. :)

Hi, I'm interested in a few machines I've seen for sale in the states (EMC1, ECD1 and DAC64) but wasn't sure if converting them was easily (enough) done or whether using a step-up transformer would impeded their sound/performance... It sounds like you might have the knowledge, if so please enlighten me!
any advice much appreciated,
Do it I say! Screw the UK rip off merchants once and for all! Much imported kit is only a voltage switch inside (even if the UK importer charges you £600 for switching it!) Power amps are a different proposition, but if they are tapped for 110v and 230v (Mcintosh) then you are usually ok.

the kit sounds better in my experience without stepdowns in line. Having said that, an Audio Research LS25 on a step up that cost you £1,700 will still sound better than an LS16 bought here through Absolute Scams dealers.
Originally posted by julian2002
either take it over the the 'fight' thread on the chat forum or let it lie. i think it was obvious that there wasn;t an emc1 at my house on saturday or else i wouldn;t be asking about it. all i wanted was a few opinions on the beastie./


Julian - is that the black one with the valves in it?..about 3,000?

It was easily one of the best sounding CDPs at the heathrow high end show in 2003.

I havent heard it at home, but if I had that much to spend it would DEFO be on the shortlist.

Originally posted by merlin
Do it I say! Screw the UK rip off merchants once and for all! Much imported kit is only a voltage switch inside (even if the UK importer charges you £600 for switching it!).

Yeah very tempted by the el-cheapo prices available from the battered dollar. I could see amps being more troublesome, but surely a DAC/CD is easily enough converted... I've mailed Electrocompaniet to see what they say.
i don't think it uses valves (if fact i'm pretty sure it doesn't) but it 's a big black and gold beastie where the entire top / middle section slides back to reveal where you put the cd. it looks really funky. it would be even cooler if it was motorised but i don;t know if it is. cost afaikt is about 2-3k ukp and about 2k dollars for the newest 24/192 version. the mechanism is isolated and there is a trick psu in there too. hopefully there will be one at bristol that i can poke at.


Originally posted by julian2002
hopefully there will be one at bristol that i can poke at.

Julian, There's one a lot closer - Noteworthy Audio at Aylesbury had one when I was there the other week. I should have had a quick listen - but there's only so much one can listen to in 3 hours:D
Originally posted by lAmBoY
Electrocompaniet have another player due out soon - silver this time.

Hey Lamboy,

The 'new player' you are referring to is part of the new Nemesis range (only available in silver) which also includes pre and power amps. However, the only difference between the Nemesis CD player and the EMC-1 would be cosmetic - not technical. The EMC-1 is being put into new clothes and the design of the new silver boxes differ from the regular black perspex boxes.

However, the regular black-boxed EMC-1 would still be produced alongside the Nemesis player and the only choices that consumers would have to make would be cosmetic (black or silver) not performance or price, both of which should remain the same. I hope this helps.

P.S. The EMC-1 does not contain valves although the 24/96 version sometimes sounds like it does. As far as I know, all EMC-1s that leave the factory contain the 24/96 DAC and the recently upgraded transport. The 'upgrade' to 24/192 spec is a dealer modification only according to my source and this is not so expensive. However, it transforms the sound of the player as I've heard them both side by side. This dealer upgrade only scheme was done in order to preserve the value of the existing 24/96 versions out there as perhaps a 24/192 version from the factory may a devalued the 24/96s out there. Who knows?? Anyway, in 24/192 guise this player sounds superb but whether or not it 'grooves' in your system is down to your definition 'groove'. ;) I can happily live with the Naim CDX/XPS combo but can also live with the EMC-1 although they both present the music in different ways. Here is a review: http://www.stereotimes.com/trans070302.shtm

Edited to add: The Electrocompaniet ECD-1 DAC contains the 24/192 upsampling board found in the EMC-1 24/192. If you cannot afford the whole of the EMC-1 player then buy half of it by buying the ECD-1 DAC. You won't feel short-changed.:D

Enjoy the music,

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Tnx Lawrie,

I heard that people were having problems with the ecd-1 dac - something to do with dual layer SACD/CD's. Not sure this is big problem, but doesnt sound like future proofing is an idea that EC rate highly.

I nearly bought an emc 1 up player off Ebay a couple of months ago, sadly I was out of the country and missed the boat so to speak.

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