Electronica Fans, recommend me some ESSENTIAL albums

Originally posted by PBirkett
When I said electronica, I meant anything electronic, whether it be Paul Van Dyk or Jean Micheal Jarre.
Well, if we're allowed to list some older timers then I'd go for "Art Of Noise". Their early stuff contains a lot of what is IMO some very creative and original use of what was then fairly new sampler technology - old hat by today's standard of course not to mention all the quantisation noise that you can always hear on each sample trigger on most of their early recordings due to the 8 bit and early 16 bit technology being used. :)
Originally posted by PBirkett
BTW, i've just bought Muzikizum

Pure class - paid £7 for my vinyl copy last year and didn't look back.

Damn - Julian beat me to it with the Add n to x recommendation.

Blogger - pure taste mate! Nice selection.

Two recommendations:
Sun spot - Dark Soho (keep recommending this for a reason!)
Contact - Cosmosis - pure brilliance from start to end.

I've just ordered Prometheus' Robot-o-chan CD which promises to be pure class. Will keep you posted.

If you want VERY VERY VERY way out west OLD style electronica (with hippy-esque overtones but quite good) check out Silver Apples - a 60s act who made their own synths long before Kraftwerk. Silver Apples/Contact can be got through 101cd - it takes a while but it's worth it.
Originally posted by julian2002
most things on the chaos unlimited web shop


He he he - never a truer word said, Julian :)

Just got another one that doesn't seem to have been mentioned - Astral Projection. "Another world" is pure class - a bit repetive but I guess it's more progressive psy - sucks you in nicely and hooks you with wicked riffs.

Why not try some items from the best label to come out of my fair city. Warp Records.

Try Warp 10 +1. A lot of classic early house based music. US Techno, Acid, Bleeps & Bass. The influences of the early Warp sound.


& Warp 10 + 2

The early releases on Warp records that help to put UK Dance on the map.


& Warp 10 + 3

An album of Warp tunes that have been remixed by some interesting people.


Warp 10+1 is a good ref regards key tracks which had major influences on how UK electronic music evolved during the nineties IMO.
Thanx for these guys, I appreciate this.

@ The Devil, I picked up Massive Attack - Protection today for a fiver. Not bad i think :)
I'll tell ya what I would like (which perhaps falls in with Julians description)... more music like Future Sound of London and Shpongle, I really like stuff like this, trippy chilled out music. ;)
Originally posted by PBirkett
I'll tell ya what I would like (which perhaps falls in with Julians description)... more music like Future Sound of London and Shpongle, I really like stuff like this, trippy chilled out music. ;)

Dark Soho will hit the spot then, dude (but only really Sunspot - the later one, Combustion, is to anthemic really) - it's downtempo psy-trance so well nice. Shpongle are great though :)

What about Goldfrapp? She's wicked - more samply than electronica, but very chilled and well nice.
blogger said:
Astrix - Eye to Eye
Hallucinogen - The Lone Deranger
Tangerine Dream - Legend
Shpongle - Anything !

DEFO can vouch for all these - and Muzikizum is class - got mine on double vinyl for £7 from FOPP.

Check out 1200 Mics' stuff - their "1200 micrograms" and "Heroes of the imagination" albums are amazing. Also Astral Projection's "Another world", and later Cosmosis stuff (especially "Contact"). I'm not sure if you ever ended up buying any of this but these are classic.

Oh - you might want to check out Prometheus' "Robot o chan" album (from good old Chaosunlimited) - makes my Rega Elas dance :) It will yours, too!
alva noto + ryuichi sakamoto ââ'¬â€œ vrioon
This is on the shockingly good Raster Noton label and was voted electronica album of the year in Wire. Imagine Erik Satie mixed with cutting edge, high frequency, minimalist electronica.
Kraftwerk - Man Machine is awesome.
Buy Mezzanine by Massive Attack.
You could try some Primal Scream
Propellerhaeads - Decksanddrumsandrockandroll is a excellent.
Most things by the Prodigy are good.
Lemon Jelly
DJ Shadow
Les Rhythmes Digitales
And the quintessential Daft Punk (I can't believe no one has mentioned them yet!)
A few that spring to mind :

BT - ESCM (an absolute stunner and wicked on a set of 'phones).
Grooverider - Mysteries of Funk
Underworld - Dubnobasswithmyheadman and Secondtoughestintheinfants
You guys have some great taste in tracks. I'll vouch for an awful lot already listed. Your going to cost me a fortune on all the stuff i've yet to get, and about to order :O

Here's some missed...

Yagya - rhythm of snow
Biosphere - substrata - ESSENTIAL
Bibio - fi
Caribou - milk of human kindness (way better than formerly Manitoba)
Kettle - volleyed iron - ESSENTIAL + through friendly waters
Ulrich Schnauss - stragely isolated place + far away trains passing by - ESSENTIAL
Arovane - lillies
Minotour Shock - various - not bad but a little light hearted