Mighty Rearranger
Steve, I would advise against ferrites, they do have a more than noticeable difference towards 'squashing' the dynamics of a system, quite a few guys have tried them here and removed them soon after, last year at Lilolee's 'House warming party' a few of the group did a ferrite only test in the second display system, didn't take them long suss the problem.
The ERS is well quite unique in dish cloth circles
Robbo to nite tried some sheets on top of the transport/dac and psu's to the dac, just layed on top, does it work miricles NO, but it does certain help clean up the mid and upper freq's, vocals/clarity and openiness were improved, not by a Jaw dropping amount
, but considering, we wern't using it in it's true intended place, a fair result 4 sheets in total 1 large 3 small. it's also easy to fabicate a desired shape. WM
The ERS is well quite unique in dish cloth circles