To be fair, if you do the maths it isn't that bad
Firstly, you are getting 22% more dishcloth. So we are up to $25. then you've got vat and duty, say another $5. Then shipping for a couple of sheets will be at least $10.
So, whilst there is a price differential, it's not as great as it first seems, and even at 30 quid a sheet, it's still a steal compared with good old Russ

Firstly, you are getting 22% more dishcloth. So we are up to $25. then you've got vat and duty, say another $5. Then shipping for a couple of sheets will be at least $10.
So, whilst there is a price differential, it's not as great as it first seems, and even at 30 quid a sheet, it's still a steal compared with good old Russ