I rushed my last reply as my wife needed to use the computer, so I try to define what I'm talking about.
I thought that you were claiming the alterd picture more accurate, on re-reading thats not what your saying.
My point though is that both pictures are distortions compared to the image your eye would capture, and that altering in photo shop is no more a distortion than the original camera shot.
Yes I agree some people will prefer added distortion be they visual or audio.
What I don't agre with is this,that all differences in equipment are due to currently measurable distortions.
And I don't think you can equalise the sound of equipment just by changing these distortions to match each other.
This is because I believe not in magic , but that there are more factors that may involved, that are sometimes over looked.
I am not an expert on measurments so prehaps someone can clarify these next points.
Hi-fi measure a signal, measuring equipment measures a signal, the assumtion tends to be the the measuring equipment is not adding distortions , while the hi-fi equipment is.How do you measure out the measuring equipment?
In which way is the measuring equipment read, often a monitor.
What is the maximum resolution of a monitor?Its the size of a pixel on offer.
But the resolution of a loadspeaker is the size of the molcules it can vibrate, far far smaller than pixels.
The same with meters used to measure electricity current extra, they measure volts and amps extra ,but at what resolution compared to the vibrations of a drive unit?
Exactly at what resolution do we hear and exactly at what resolution is current measuring equipment?
If the resolution of measuring equipment is lower than the resolution of our hearing, then or current measurments are not good enought.
This is of cource assuming we are measuring for the right things in the first place.
What exactly is a distortion?Its not just added noise but how about changes in dynamic level within music.Are they accurately reproduced?
This in amps depends on its ability to drive the speakers.
The point is I belive there are a lot of factors that make up the actual sound we hear and we haven't managed to break them down into complely tangable measurment yet.
If you read up on quatum phisysics you'll find that the action of measurment is in fact a very complecated thing, and that its very difficult to make measurments without effecting those measurment with the test equipment.
Any way I'll shut up now as my wife needs to use the computer.
Of course I'm willing to except I'm wrong about all this , I just like a good debate.
(havent had time to check my spelling.Which is usually very bad)