Fav integrated amp around £400

Dynamic Turtle said:
Also, please don't imply that people who own Audiolab/Tag gear are idiots who don't know any better :rolleyes: .


we don't need to, you generally do a good job yourself... :MILD:
I would agree with the recommendation for the PM6010 KI - easily the best amp I've heard under £500 - and better than a few over that price too! (*cough* Exposure 3010 *cough*)

You can't buy them new anymore but the PM 7200 KI should be very similar if not better.

Having said that though, if I were to buy an amp around that price again - I would also probably be looking at valves - especially with the taste in music you mention. In fact, I've been more than tempted a few times to take a chance on one of the Ming Da's for a head to head with my Naim gear :eek:


That's exaclty what I was afraid of hearing! The only things that have stopped me are:

  • The nagging feeling that the valves won't be able to drive my Avi's
  • The fact that valves have a finite life time and can't be left on 24/7
  • The amount of money I've already invested in my Naim gear

Actually, I'm currently in the process of swapping my NAC 92R for a NAC 72. Now if the Ming Da's beat a 72/Hi/140 that would be quite something :eek: If I were able to sell off that combo for around £750-£800 I might be swayed towards the MC368-B.

Out of interest, which one are you currently running?

T-bone Sanchez said:
Buying a valve amp is a no-brainer full stop. Its the first amp Ive had were female visitors have actually commented how good the music sounds, and as we all know thats saying something.

er. It says they fancy you ... or they think you are filthy rich ... or something, yes?
Uncle Ants said:
er. It says they fancy you ... or they think you are filthy rich ... or something, yes?

unless it was the barry white album he was spinning... ;)
I'm the second to second the MF X-80, which can be had brand new for GBP 250 or even less (RRP GBP 600).
If I lived in the UK I would buy one for sheer reason of price-cut.
Theres a BIG difference between valve watts and solid state watts. A 40 watt valve amp like Lords will drive most speaker above 86db to levels more than enough for most people.
Went to Sevenoaks and she likes the Cyrus 6vs most. They failed to sell us one right then and there though, not having it in stock.

How does the Edenlake MC34 or like compare? Obviously it will be different tonality wise being a valve amp but on general sound quality can it hold its own with the likes of the Cyrus 6 or even 8vs?

I think I might have got this lady infected with the Hi-Fi bug :eek: We started out listening to the MF X80 and it was nice. Switched to the Rotel RA-02 (no 1062 in stock) YUCK! Cyrus 6 was great and tried to buy one... she told me tonight she was browsing internet and found an 8vs for only £800 (7oaks quoted £1k) and is tempted by that! Also saying even if she gets the Cyrus she may get an Edenlake for the bedroom system as well! Talk of speaker upgrades are popping up too... After listening to that stuff at 7oaks she is going to listen to my Ming Da Pre + Bryston + PMC system tomorrow so god knows what will happen then :JPS: So much for the £400 budget
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your girl

is'nt seeing ljk setright on the side is she ?
getting all audiophile on your ass ! :JOEL:
And to think if your other half would consider the used market, I have a boxed flawless Cyrus 7 with PSX-R sitting here ready to take away for £575. Oh well... :)
Tenson said:

How does the Edenlake MC34 or like compare?

Also saying even if she gets the Cyrus she may get an Edenlake for the bedroom system as well!


My guess is that the edenlake will end up in the living room, and they cyrus system in the bedroom.

I've not heard a sub £800 solid state amp that can hold a candle to a £300-£500 valve amp by WAD or Ming-Da.

I hope she gets to hear one.

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