Finally no more upgrades at least for this year!

Originally posted by garyi
Now to the important question, where is all the software titan, or do you have to go to a spacially made vault to insure the CD cases to rattle when playing music!

Whats the software to hardware cost ratio?

Whats yours Gary?

I don't really see that it matters. Titian is obviously a man of means he likes expensive HiFi, great.

I expect there are plenty of Naim owners out there with similar ratios especially since the top preamp hit £12k


My TT is composed by 5 completely separated parts (see the photo):
Part with the arm
Part with the motor
The control unit
Battery which is on the floor

Each part except for the battery is on a Valid Point kit each consisting of 3 'cones' and 3 control disks.
I leveled not only the platter but also the part with the arm by putting under the control disks layers of wood or/and carton. Since the weight of the platter is about 40-50 kgs (actually it is in two parts of about 20-30 kgs) I had the help of my father in law to do this job. In about two weeks, after the weight has settled in the points, we'll have to control the level again.

Just giving another (unrelevant) figure of my system for the statistics: The total weight of my system is about 600-700 Kgs.
Since the Bristol show my mind is quite buzy with thinking to present my system at Heathrow but first I am not clear in mind why I would like to do such a thing (ok I do often have strange ideas / plans), second it would be lots of work to organise such a project (think of packing up the stuff and bringing it down manually two floors) and last but not least the costs.
Well sometimes I have really stupid ideas.
I have more or less 700LPs and about 500-600 CDs which I bought mostly second hand (except for the 180g vinyl). The ratio should be about 5:1 for the gear. More or lessââ'¬Â¦
Originally posted by titian
I have more or less 700LPs
Gary...I believe Titian has omitted a zero there! There were many more racks of the things than you could shake a rather substiantial stick at. There were certainly more bits of black plastic than in our local County main lending library when I used to frequent such places (and they actually had anything worth listening to..or anything at all). With that number, cost ratios are completely irrelevant anyway - it would take several years to listen to each of his LPs even once! It actually made trying to work out what to listen to very difficult - knowing that there was so much great stuff that there would be missed out was soul-destroying.

(ah sideshow nipped in first)
Titan, I am curious, you cleary have a fantastic system and I look forward to the invite ;)

However, heres the question and you have to be really honest now, if either your music collection or hifi had to be stolen, which one would you let go? Which one would any of us let go?

I am not picking on you per say but I dread to think what the transport for that CDP costs on its own let alone everything else, I only hope what must be a stunning system is being fed the rarest and most beutiful music.

ReJoyce, point taken.

One other question at what point does a hifi enthusiast conclude that they have reached as much as the medium can give? Lets be honest CDs are going to be manufactured on toshiba burners or what ever and records can only give so much, does a system such as Titans simply make one dissapointed with how crap un-live music is?

Yours jelously :eek:
Originally posted by garyi
Titan, I am curious, you cleary have a fantastic system and I look forward to the invite ;)
Garyi, you have the invitation now. If you feel like you can bring 2-3 other persons of your choice with.

However, heres the question and you have to be really honest now, if either your music collection or hifi had to be stolen, which one would you let go?
To be honest these are my thoughts.
Well everything is insured so I would get the money from the insurance to buy the stuff again. Nevertheless it would be a pain in the neck.
In this case I prefer nothing to be stolen..
I got my music collection (LPs) in about 5 years and very cheaply. I would need to buy it all again, which would take time but also is quite a fun. On the other side I may not to be able to get some of the rare records I have. But I would overcome the pain for that. After all a couple less among 7000 Lps.... :D
If my hifi get stolen, it would take quite a long time to buy it new. Actually I am not sure I would be able to get the NA1. The loudspeakers would take 6 months to do starting from tomorrow. I would guess maybe in one year I would get everything running again.
So maybe I would prefer my LP collection to be stolen: just a practical decision. Are you coming here to steal it? :D

Which one would any of us let go?
Sorry I don't understand the question. You mean what you would let go?
No slightest idea.

I am not picking on you per say but I dread to think what the transport for that CDP costs on its own let alone everything else, I only hope what must be a stunning system is being fed the rarest and most beutiful music.
Even if you are picking on me, it really doesn't matter...:) Maybe you are somewhat curious and want to ask questions which no one else dare ask. Actually I think that is good because it helps us to understand each other better as long as honesty is in there.
All music is beautiful, maybe for someone less and for others more. The rare music doesn't deserve more attention or a better system. I am quite sure though that if I was listening only to electronic music (and not classical) I would have never got / needed such a system like this one. Also if I didn't have heard the System16 I also wouldn't be where I am now. And again if I have never contacted Mile and talked to him so often about all the problems I had or thought I had, I would also never be as far as I am now. But it is all relative: they are many systems much better than this one. The important thing is that one is satisfied with what one has.

One other question at what point does a hifi enthusiast conclude that they have reached as much as the medium can give? Lets be honest CDs are going to be manufactured on toshiba burners or what ever and records can only give so much, does a system such as Titans simply make one dissapointed with how crap un-live music is?
First, I do not consider myself as a hifi enthusiast. I would prefer much more to go down the store, buy a small box which could reproduce music much better than my system. No hassle with electronics, no knowledge about technology: I just want only feelings from the music. I am not interested in specifications or so what.
Ohhhhhh this might make you even more jelous: I still hardly ever hear CDs. Also after buying that flying saucer and it's DAC. Yes for me vinyl is still for classical music and on my system far better. And if the quality of the CD will become worser then I will hear even more vinyl. I think titian's system can make you dissapointed with the recording quality not more or not less than any other system. That is mostly up to the listener .
I got my music collection (LPs) in about 5 years ...... 7000 Lps

Bloody Norah! You don't hang about much. I've been buying records for over twenty years, and I have far fewer than 3000 (I think).

7000 in five years, that's about four records a day....every day...for five years! Have you listened to all of them yet, and how did you choose them?
Well first of all I bought back my previous collection for the same price I sold it to my friend. Those records (1000) I already heard several times. Then I bought a 1000 LP collection (mostly operas, which I hated) for 130£.
Another 2000 LP collection from a professor in Zürich. Then EBAY wonderful stuff in the for classical lovers for about 1-2€ per LP. And they are mostly like new, after washing! No tic, tac or other noise. Much better then my first collection anyway.

Jazz collection
I bought 2 or 3 complete collections without mostly knowing what they were. I just would like to get in more into Jazz and those collections were cheap considering that they are jazz LPs which are more worth/wanted than classical music.

180 gr Reissues
Well these I bought either in USA (web) or in Switzerland. Payed normal price.

What did I hear and what not yet?
I still have about 500 classical LPs to be heard ,about 200 Jazz and 400 operas. At the moment I am not buying any LPs more and, as I already wrote at the end of last year, I am this year considering to dedicate time only for getting more contacts and for listening to music (that was also the sense of the title of this thread). I would say I usually hear music 4-5 hours a day in average: now I want to extend that.
I don't understand all this 'must have loadsa music' snobbery. I'm in the happy position of being able to play music about 40hrs a week. So, even with my meagre music collection it would take about a year to get from beginning to end. That's enough for me, especially as I might want to hear some things more than once a year.
I can understand what you mean. It is not snobbery, though.
In classical music there are many interpretations ofthe same piece of music. Every different interpretation has other feelings, some you like today and maybe others you like a few days later. Of the same piece I have several interpretations (for example the complete Beethoven's symphonies I have with 14 different interpretations). Alone that is about 80-90 LPs.
When people come here they often ask for this piece played by that conductor and I can just put it on. They are happy and maybe I listen to something I hardly hear and get interested in it.
And if I can get that LP for 1€ why not? For me it is something to do with getting more knowledge. If you don't have it you will never have the chance to listen to it properly. When someone, for example RdS, writes about a piece of music which I have but hardly ever hear, I pick out the LP (maybe in different interpretations) and listen to it. And voila maybe I start to like that piece (understand it) very much. If I wouldn't have that piece at home I wouldn't even care about what Rds (for ex.) has written.
So these LPs are here for educational purpose and, I repeat againe if they cost hardly anything why not have them?
The same I am doing for getting myself into Jazz.

The nice thing is when I was over at Graham's, I noticed that most of what he had (interpretations) I don't have.
I was a shamed two weeks ago at Lee's, he showed me hiscollection of classical CDs. Well out of his 14 CDs I didn't even have the music of 12 of them! So as you see 7000 LPs can be a lot in classical music but can also be nothing.

I hope I explained myself reasonably.
Very reasonably,

Too much choice can give me a headache though - I've got about eight versions of Mahler's second and often can't decide on any of them and play the third instead where I can only choose between Solti with the Chicago SO or Solti with the London SO.
Joining late as usual.

Gary, you must go and hear this system. Ian, Graham and myself heard it last year when it wasn't even working properly and it was tremendous. I hope to be going over again later this year.

The LP collection is fantastic, and for Ian & myself the Jazz library was to kill for. We managed to give a fair few an outing, which to Titians embarassment was probably their first time.
Originally posted by wolfgang
How big is your room? Would you like to post some photos for the rest of the room lay out like the hot seat?
Wolfgang here are the photos you requested. The room is not the perfect one for Hifi system, especially with the wooden walls and bouncing floor. Even the ceilling is quite / very low but that has less impact with these loudspeakers than with others according to Mile.
On the other hand the room doesn't have parallel walls, 90 degree corners and the ceiling isn't parallel to the floor. The main part (loudspeakers to the listening part) is about 4.5 x 8 m but they are two extensions of both sides right and left of the loudspeakers.


This is on the right side of the speakers, where the entrance is.

Behind the entrance there is this extention.

On the left side of the loudspeakers there are my and Rita's desks (at the moment full of CDs that she is burning for her dancing lessons).



..and this is the listening position.


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