Originally posted by garyi
Titan, I am curious, you cleary have a fantastic system and I look forward to the invite
Garyi, you have the invitation now. If you feel like you can bring 2-3 other persons of your choice with.
However, heres the question and you have to be really honest now, if either your music collection or hifi had to be stolen, which one would you let go?
To be honest these are my thoughts.
Well everything is insured so I would get the money from the insurance to buy the stuff again. Nevertheless it would be a pain in the neck.
In this case I prefer nothing to be stolen..
I got my music collection (LPs) in about 5 years and very cheaply. I would need to buy it all again, which would take time but also is quite a fun. On the other side I may not to be able to get some of the rare records I have. But I would overcome the pain for that. After all a couple less among 7000 Lps....

If my hifi get stolen, it would take quite a long time to buy it new. Actually I am not sure I would be able to get the NA1. The loudspeakers would take 6 months to do starting from tomorrow. I would guess maybe in one year I would get everything running again.
So maybe I would prefer my LP collection to be stolen: just a practical decision. Are you coming here to steal it?
Which one would any of us let go?
Sorry I don't understand the question. You mean what you would let go?
No slightest idea.
I am not picking on you per say but I dread to think what the transport for that CDP costs on its own let alone everything else, I only hope what must be a stunning system is being fed the rarest and most beutiful music.
Even if you are picking on me, it really doesn't matter...

Maybe you are somewhat curious and want to ask questions which no one else dare ask. Actually I think that is good because it helps us to understand each other better as long as honesty is in there.
All music is beautiful, maybe for someone less and for others more. The rare music doesn't deserve more attention or a better system. I am quite sure though that if I was listening only to electronic music (and not classical) I would have never got / needed such a system like this one. Also if I didn't have heard the System16 I also wouldn't be where I am now. And again if I have never contacted Mile and talked to him so often about all the problems I had or thought I had, I would also never be as far as I am now. But it is all relative: they are many systems much better than this one. The important thing is that one is satisfied with what one has.
One other question at what point does a hifi enthusiast conclude that they have reached as much as the medium can give? Lets be honest CDs are going to be manufactured on toshiba burners or what ever and records can only give so much, does a system such as Titans simply make one dissapointed with how crap un-live music is?
First, I do not consider myself as a hifi enthusiast. I would prefer much more to go down the store, buy a small box which could reproduce music much better than my system. No hassle with electronics, no knowledge about technology: I just want only feelings from the music. I am not interested in specifications or so what.
Ohhhhhh this might make you even more jelous: I still hardly ever hear CDs. Also after buying that flying saucer and it's DAC. Yes for me vinyl is still for classical music and on my system far better. And if the quality of the CD will become worser then I will hear even more vinyl. I think titian's system can make you dissapointed with the recording quality not more or not less than any other system. That is mostly up to the listener .