[quote="Neil, post: 700183"]I'd second trying a Quad FM3 - I was so surprised by it that my "radio" system in the bedroom is FM3 - 33 / 303 (303 with Net Audio upgrade). Not the best for Radio 1 etc but a wonderful listen for R3 & 4. One tuner which I have been really impressed by recently was a NAD 412, not what you'd expect at all, a first class sound - I could tell little difference between it and the Naim (don't recall if it was a NAT 01 or 04??) tuner it was being compared to! I've not heard a Radford but the Leaks I've listened to have been good - but not streets ahead of Quad.[/QUOTE] Could be the reception quality. I replaced a Quad with a NAT 02 and it's quite a lot better (I listen mainly to 2,3,4 and local). Steve