Percentage wise we had to give women the vote, they constituted, I suppose, 50% of the populace. I must confess I have no idea of the percentages with regard to African Americans, which is what they prefer to be referred as, not blacks. That could be considered by some to be both insulting and bigoted. Both of these points are sort of irrelevant on the numbers alone. Again no idea of the percentages but faggots are in a very small minority. Time shifts and trends, that's a bit of a curveball. Two years ago the trend for house prices was up, now it's down. A trend reversal. You're right, the old will die and we may have to suffer the law being repealed and let the gay times roll. But those voters will get older and their attitudes could change, we all have a habit of becoming more like our parents as we get older and more conservative in our approach. I and likeminded will have to accept the transitionary period with good grace, accepting the law as is, even though the law may be an ass. You have to accept it now. Apparently the constitution of the State of California no longer extends those freedoms to gays and that is the law and was not anything to do with God. To be frank, I wish they would never leave the house but leave they must to go about normal lives, shopping; although they could do that on line; working etc. Do they really have to be married to go outside and be gay? This bill, was after all, to recind the right to get married in the same way normal couples do and NOT to in any way criminalise being gay. At the outset this post has envoked strong feelings for one point or the other but it was suggested it to have been a "travesty of justice". Surely a travesty is when a law is not enacted correctly, that isn't the case here. It would be a travesty if after the law being in place gays were still allowed to marry in those three states. Once again I would ask why they want the legal right to marry? To be honest, I can think of only one valid reason that the liason is legally recognised, inheritance or property rights. I fully accept that a relationship; no matter how sordid I find it to be; should after the same time for normal marriage/relationships, protect these rights. If two gay men live and contribute to a shared future, the death of one should not disadvantage the other. That however doesn't require that the law recognises gay marriages. Another law could cover those rare contingencies. Why do you think they want to be recognised in law? I'm gratified to know that bigotry has some legal protection. I never suggested that it was easier to explain the second amendment but to explain the couple thing. As previously stated that shouldn't happen in public either. You find this a condemnation of homosexuality. It is a protest against the protest that the bill was a travesty of justice. The, for want of a better description, marriage bill was simply amended to deny a group of people the right to call themselves married. In my opinion, rightly so. They really have no need to trample over years of tradition; one man, one woman; they do their own thing and be damned. They are not being enforcably separated or being forced to use gay bars only. There are no "gay only" supermarkets and no shops or offices where "no gays" tolerated here, are displayed. They are, to all intents and purposes, allowed to do what they want, with of course the exception of getting married in those three states. I know America is a big place but a little road trip to a neighbouring state where it is allowed is an easy option. No doubt the San Franciscans will love the brash bling of Las Vegas, it's not that far. You are absolutely right, lewd behaviour has no place in public, did I not say that? Where's the harm with two men holding hands in the street, well, perhaps not much. They just look like a pair of fairies. It's what they'll be holding in their hands a bit later on that disgusts most people who have an opinion on the matter.