Freezing CDs?

Just a thought - anyone tried heating CD's - like 220 degrees for 10 minutes?

But this works:

Nespa Pro - finest CD enhancement tweak I have ever experienced.

(Have I mentioned this before?)
OUt of curiosity I am interested in knowing if any has done any more here.......thinks they have further results?

I've listened to the two CD's from Zanash (Pete) and my ultimate conclusion was that I personally couldn't detect any difference between them.

I don't think that it's a particularly easy thing to judge as I find that the harder I listen the more difficult it is to be sure of whether I can hear differences or not, especially when you're constantly getting up and down etc, so having listened with utmost concentration several times I then repeated the exercise just letting the music 'wash over me'. As I said, at the end I was confident that I couldn't hear any changes between the two.

Despite this I am happy to have given it a whirl especially when the CD's were provided FOC to me to try, so they are now up for grabs to the next person. Pete sent them to me at his own expense so I'll do the same for anyone else (in the UK) who would like to try. If no-one else is interested I'll return them to Pete.

If you want to remain anonymous (;)) then feel free to pm me instead!
Shouldn't mix business with pleasure 'SQ2', it can skew reality, endless repetition, living confusion etc etc :MILD:


thanks ...have done the freeze with a few dozen so far, though have done no more CD to CD comparisons. From the Cd's i know well, i without doubt notice a difference, strangely, i feel to be getting greater improvement from CD's of the nineties, but then...i 'mostly' prefer the CD sound of that period anyway, if not special, many later copies sound to my ears to be heavily compressed, lacking depth, narrow and tinny sounding, the amount i've returned to shop after suffering a listen !

Vinyl is better, for sure, though there's some rough vinyl too. Think it was posed earlier in the thread ..... just to enjoy the music, i agree, but then, i know and have/had a few well thought of amps that i won't get to hear the end of a side through they become that boring that quickly i could fall asleep, what a journey... perhaps once one gets it right for one's self, the infinitesimal becomes more apparent ? :)
I've listened to the two CD's from Zanash (Pete) and my ultimate conclusion was that I personally couldn't detect any difference between them.

I don't think that it's a particularly easy thing to judge as I find that the harder I listen the more difficult it is to be sure of whether I can hear differences or not, especially when you're constantly getting up and down etc, so having listened with utmost concentration several times I then repeated the exercise just letting the music 'wash over me'. As I said, at the end I was confident that I couldn't hear any changes between the two.

Despite this I am happy to have given it a whirl especially when the CD's were provided FOC to me to try, so they are now up for grabs to the next person. Pete sent them to me at his own expense so I'll do the same for anyone else (in the UK) who would like to try. If no-one else is interested I'll return them to Pete.

If you want to remain anonymous (;)) then feel free to pm me instead!

Yes; I would behappy to try them.

I expect the same conclusion as yourself.

In my experience these differences are quite certainly shouldn't be having to force yourself to look for them in anyway.

. From the Cd's i know well, i without doubt notice a difference,

I await the cds with interest...if they are still around. :-)

Chaps, can we have a bit less of the attitude stuff?

There has been more than enough to date as it is.
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I have had two cds for few days now (one frozen, one not ....thanks vm)

Good cds....Lynard skynard

As far as I'm concerned there is no difference what so ever between the two.
No, obviously.

A. you aren't good enough to hear the difference.
B. your hifi isn't good enough for you to hear the difference.
C. all of the above.
How good do have to be? Is there some type of clubcard system in place.

I've been a really good boy.....Please can you let me hear the difference!

I REALLY wasn't sure whether laugh or cry when I read this.

Edit, what ws your point SBP?
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I just love some of the positive statements on the forum.....Just my attempt at a little light Bank Holiday Humour. Here's another gem..

No, obviously.
B. your hifi isn't good enough for you to hear the difference.

I love this one,as I'd loved the ablity to judge someone's set up in one statement, even without ever hearing it, just to show off my superior knowledge to other forum members, who would walk in my shadow,and hang on my every word,knowing that I have the power in all things HI-FI................Or am I taking this bit to serious.
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Sorry, my mistake, I didn't realise that you were referring to the unfunny kind of jokes. How silly of me, you jape is so obvious now I realise it was one of those not funny jokes.

ha ha, you card...