Freezing CDs?

'Robh'. just don't write to the press in Green Ink, they think it Kookish. :)

'Zanash'. looks interesting, and not to difficult to build one similar methinks, could also be relatively easy to *bevel the edge of a disk at 36 degrees*,without lathe...perhaps a power drill set in a vice with the Cd attached firmly to chuck then a good cutting edge to bevel.

is the cutter in the link as yours..($699 :eek:)

'Barty'. I now have the CD tightly sealed in bag and in the freeze..the time you gave *2 days in a freezer bag in my chest freezer, then a further 2 days in a tea towel in my fridge then 1 day in its case left open in my lounge *, have mostly noted a 1 day in freezer, was the 2 days (Freezer/Cooler) personal choice (preferred for better results) or quoted.

Thanks !
2 days in freezer was a preferred choice and it was a suggestion from peter belt. he said it was actually the slow process of thawing and bringing the disc back to environment temperature which was the key factor. dont be too hasty with this and allow the necessary time
Very Fine ....:D, i was also (SMEagol) surprised that the thread managed it this far without a poke, an 'irresistible impulse' to do so.. i suppose ?. Has 'Pen&SQ2' tried the technique or are their comments just derisive ..and without foundation ?

... if it works, or if it doesn't, I am trying the idea for myself .:MILD:
:) i see your point Penance..but there are many times in life that the majority is bad worth , just have to have to filter it out for the better
either side as always.. this will be such an instance... :)
I've put my mates monoblocs in his freezer under the peas, to give them a "thorough enhancing".

I'm sure he'll be speechless.

:D :D :D
I'm gonna put all my CD's in the freezer - I never listen to them any way and they only clutter the place up - plus there is loads of room in the freezer.
'Mr Cat' and there's me thinking you were more 'Hot Gossip' than 'Coldplay'. :D

'lbr' thanks, Yes.. have sat on the crossroads for too long with this one, and am looking forward to the outcome, whatever the outcome :)

'SMEgol' your >*mates*< mono's may degrade under frozen peas..the result may be a return to ipod and so would recommend frozen Sushi... for the Ongaku sound. :D

'YNMOAN' (sleeping CD's) i know the feeling... to add them, at the least the Freeze section will have less work to do :)
Freeze a jolly good CD
It smoothes out sounds that are reedy
And deepens bass that is seedy
And really tedious

And really tedious
And really tedious

You'll get a sound that is felt, ting-
Ling warmth that is truly melting
A drive positively Belting
But then the guy is nuts
Tones. interesting ditty, and one of many ;).. have a friend in Latterbach that also likes to play on paper. Was the song written from personal experience / have you tried the experiment ?

Thanks . :)
Come on Tones .....thats not really up to your normal standard Ithey normally at least raise a smile ..but this one seems a bit half hearted ..imo

Amazing to still see all these comments from the naysayers .....not one of them will actually try it ..but all will tell you, it can't possibly have any effect or your wasting your time or attempt to imply that your insane or the instigators insane or as a last resort make insulting comments about you .

your then expected to accept their comments as gospel ...when there just their opinion at best.

What the issues is I suspect ...if this does work, it will shake the foundations of their belief and all those carefully constructed self delusions, half truths and partial truths will come crashing down.

Personally I have not tried it , but I'm game to give it a go if I find a duplicate cd in my next batch of cd purchases. To put it in context though....I've only ever found one of pb's tweaks to have any effect and that was his very first [that I remember seeing published] I don't hold out too much hope ......but at least I've not dismissed it out of hand and then again I'm quite happy to be proved wrong. Get out there and experiment !
Amazing to still see all these comments from the naysayers .....not one of them will actually try it ..but all will tell you, it can't possibly have any effect or your wasting your time or attempt to imply that your insane or the instigators insane or as a last resort make insulting comments about you .

your then expected to accept their comments as gospel ...when there just their opinion at best.!

So no great change then??


No, I didn't think it was up to tones usual standard either......and btw have you tried it T?
