Well i found a cable that worked in a big way.
Transparent music link plus balanced
Fek me has anybody else got or tried these cables?
They have a mysterious black box in the middle of them which hides some form of network that is meant to reject nasties.
How did it sound?
Awesome my god me and the wife fell of the chair.
The music just rolls out now everything sounds live, loads of presence and soundstage with no loss of dynamics or speed.
In fact its the quickest cable i have heard and i know have a midrange to die for.
The speakers just dissappear.
I knew my components were bloody good
Everything sounds so real, you can hear all of the instruments and voices not just part of them and different tones of bass guitars and drums.
Even CD's that sounded poor previously now sound a lot better.
Just goes to show cables make a major difference in my system and i could have been spending heaps upgrading my products just because i was too lazy or pig ignorant to find the right cable.
At £560 it wasn't cheap but i wouldn't of got anywhere near that level of improvement buy upgrading another component by that much.