No snobby comments here please :D I have noticed you can now buy decent V reg Mondoeo's for as little as £1200 and other cars for similar prices. I think the problem is that cars are getting more and more reliable so there a lo to of old cars there in good working order. My dads esort is a good example probably worth £800 tops, it has a decent engine (1.6 zetec) low milleage a lot of modern gadgets (electric windows/ power streering, airbags etc) and it runs well despite a few auxiliery faults. So was it going to happen to all these good cars in working order that are worth £200? Also isn't a good idea to buy a £1500 keep it a few years then buy another one. You could run them for peanuts and spend all the £1000's you save on HIFI or music. I don't know its just my opinion if I ever need a car no matter how rich I am I would probably buy one of these new bread of bangers. I mean a T REG Vectra for £2000 can't be bad can it?