Good & Cheap please

An used AV receiver with DPLII, and 3 speakers, front and center, the center beeing the most important, I think this is the best compromise, you dont need surrounds, but you can add them later + a subwoofer if you start spending more time there... ;)
You need DPLII if you want clear dialog through the center speaker with the stereo signal from the TV, old prologic and other DSPs are not good enough...

By the way, the tunner on the Loewe, I have one, is quite good and the stereo output sounds very good, if you have cableTV with digital PCM output, you can get even better sound using the DACs on the reciever...
Thanks for the tip. I can't even get Freeview at the moment but when it does I'll apply your advice.
Tom Alves said:
Has Steve of 7V fame made his surround package yet?
Hi Tom

I just got home after a week in Austria. Good to see you back in the land of the living. Knew you'd find a reason to visit again - once an addict...

No, I haven't yet got my surround package out but aim to release the Nonsuch 2s very soon and the new Panels (5cm thick) range soon after. There will be some interesting innovations there, I hope.

On the question of an inexpensive, used set of speakers and amp, I have some Rega ELA speakers and could dig out something nice to drive them with, if you're interested. The ELAs are considered to be classics and do work rather well. Mind you, I must admit I had thought that the Naims could do an admirable job up a few stairs and round a corner. Have you tried judiciously placed relective mirrors?
analoguekid said:
Tom what about one of the accoustic energy aegeo 2.1 or 5.1 setups, think they are £100 and about £350 new, they would be great for tv and wouldn't take up much space in your relatively small room. Friend has 2.1 on his computer, well built and very nice sound, good quality to.
Well the new Acoustic Energy AEGO P5 Mk II has DPL II and I can get it for under $450, comes with cables, mountings etc, etc and seems to be liked by the comics. Anyone got any views?
Tom It's just for TV I'm sure it they will be just what you are after, the missus is gonna like them, and that leaves some brownie points intact for your noegotiations when it comes to your next "proper hifi" purchase, I wished I had got these instead of my Sony 5.1 setup, but they were £500 at the time and the Sony was only £300, I have only heard the 2.1 and based on that would be prepared to buy the 5.1 blind, FWIW the satelites have metal cabinets and each one is quite weighty, they are built well. At the price you can't go wrong.
the original P5 sounded good, if a tad weak in the bass. the subwoofer on the 2.1 set is much beefier. Be very interested to hear your thoughts on the mk2.
I'll let you know when it arrives.

One thing is certain, it's not going to sound as good as my main music orgasmatron which has reached perfection this week. No more upgrades for me. Hooray.

Rega P9/Naim CDS2/NAC52/active 250/SBLs/dedicated fusebox with 9 dedicated 10mm2 T&E spurs direct to the boxes/Hutter with 5" shelf spacing and DIY speaker stands (glass & ballbearing). 'kin' awesome man.
Right my Acoustic Energy AEGO P5 Mk II arrived today, 48 hours after ordering it. Excellent service from Hifi4Less , cheap friendly and efficient.

It took two hours to install and I wasn't hurrying.

So general build is good and strong although the wall brackets could be a bit more rigid. I will have to build a stand for the sub (perhaps the 7V superball trick?)

The setup was easy to follow, most of it is automatic and as the room is dedicated to the TV there were no offset speakers to contend with.

Sound. Ok it's not anywhere close to my music system but as that is hardly surprising. That said it was a significant improvement. The diction is much clearer which was the main object. The wierd thing (for me) is the addition of a sound stage whiuch for film is really useful. It's nice having sound effects separated and behind the dialogue. Bass is fuller and treble clearner.

So far I've only watched a video (Behind enemy Lines) so no 5.1 but the ability to switch from stereo to DPL II was a great success. Forcing the signal into the centre channel focussed the sound. So thanks to Lowrider and others for that hint.

All in all I'd say it was £500 well spent. It isn't high end audiophile but at the price point it seems good value for money, delivering a great TV sound and it's a doddle to set up. It doen't even have an upgrade path (alleluia) I'm one happy bunny.

Thanks for all the advice.
SWMBA is happy I'm happy. The TV room is mine so she accepts the decision. :D Actually I'm very lucky. She always encourages me with the hi-fi and never insists on compromising the quality.

But I guess you mean, does it have a high WAF? Yes. The satelites are discrete, the sub fairly unobtrusive, the colour is a bland silver which blends in, the TV sound quality has been enhanced, it was cheap. Oh, and it's got a funky blue light on the front. The only negative is there's yet another remote control to learn.

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