There are examples where the car industry has been just as blinkered. When people first started personally importing various Japanese cars that weren't available here (eg Mitsubishi Evos and Subaru Imprezzas) the UK importer/dealer network not only wasn't going to honour the warranty but flat refused to work on them at all, even if the customer was prepared to pay!
Chris - if it's not the law already it soon will be that all electronic goods must have a 2 year warranty, regardless of what the piece of paper in the box says.
As with the music industry, the hi-end hifi industry has to adapt to the internet instead of trying to ignore it. It's now a fact of life that people can browse eBay and audiogon etc. and have access to a vast s/h market that just didn't exist before. It also brings into sharp focus the price differentials between, say, the US and the UK. People are more savvy and are not going to put up with the cosy little distributor/dealer cartels and their 45% margins anymore.
IMO more companies should start selling direct. Take a leaf out of the PC industry and do a Dell. However, I'm not sure how you'd solve the "need to audition" problem but clearly the staus quo is untenable.