merlin said:
I really look forward to trialling a mains cable from Omiga that can hold a candle to the Shunyata offerings.
Until that time, I will remain tconvinced that the voicings of your cables are tailored for your personal preferences, and that they shift the balance rather than improving any particular system related issue.
Your mains cables do sound clean and punchy with "oodles of thwack"
But as the review suggested, is it portraying the truth or simply manipulating the audible spectrum in such a way as to produce a new effect?
Take the Liberator. Improvements in soundstage depth and solidity at the expense of width. Well this really does not represent an improvement IMO. robbing Peter to pay Paul! All smoke and mirrors mate
Hi Merlin
Interesting points you raised, and I admit having similar questions in my own mind regarding all cables and interconnects.
I dont think its fair to say that Omega cables are the only cables that alter the sound .. why should Omega cables be singles out as altering rather than being ''more truthfull'' .. and that other cables (e.g. Shunyata) DONT alter! -
I believe that the moment we admit that cables sound different to each other, then we are saying that they are altering the sound. This surely applies regardless of manufacturer.
All that remains is to what effect the sound is changed by the cable, and whether we like it or not.
Whether we want a cable to change the sound or just be honest open and frank will probably determine our mindset regarding cables in the first place.
I believe that the belief behind most cable sceptics is not that cables CANNOT make a difference, but that they don WANT cables to make a difference!
Surely if a Shunyata cable sounds different to another Shunyata cable - then the conclusion must be drawn that just as Omega cables sound 'different' to each other or 'altered' - just semantics really - then they 'alter' or 'make the sound different' in just the same way as Omega cables.
My own purchasing decisions go along this line:
1) Can I hear a difference with the new item?
2) Is it a difference I like?
3) Is the difference the best use of cash? - i.e. can I get a better result from spending the money somewhere else in my system?
I believe fundementally people decide one of the following:
a) I want to use cables to give me the sound that I want - I dont care how they do it I only care what it sounds like
b) I want a cable to just pass signal. I dont want to alter subtract or change, something reasonably basic will do the trick.
That one manufacturer - for example Shunyata - might make cables that become increasingly more truthful..with higher and higher price tags..!! sounds like marketing spin of the highest order... perhaps just a way to tap into the mind of the sceptic!
my tuppence worth