You guys need to try some better headphones
No seriously though, I have had that complaint with many of the headphones I've had thus far. With my current setup (which is inexpensive) it has given me a very, very decent sound, plenty of power to the sound, even a reasonable soundstage.
You have took an overrated (IMO) headphone and powered it with one of the worst solid state headphone amps you can buy, and you are surprised it doesnt sound good?
I didnt like Stax either - too airy fairy.
And Adam, you know what I think of those AKG's
Dont write off all headphones because of your limited trials. I agree there are LOTS of pretty poor headphones out there, but when you find the good'uns they are nowhere near as bad as you say.
But yes, headphone listening is a comrpomise, but that should have been obvious from the start. However, I really enjoy mine, so its proof that a good sound can still be attained. I've been through lots of gear, and as you are aware, lots of it has left me very disappointed. Its just a case if you want to carry on trying to attain the sound you want, as its a lot of tial and error, but you will get there if you persist.