Heathrow 3/4 April (this weekend)

Originally posted by greg
Robbo - I've gotta leave before close too, you're in Reading I'm coming from Swindon - do you want a lift?


Thanks for the offer, but I have to do a couple of things on the way back home so I'll need to go separately.

See you Saturday,

I'll be there on Saturday then. I totally forgot about getting one of those VIP tickets that Steve had - any way of getting one at such short notice?
Originally posted by SimonConnell
I'll be there on Saturday then. I totally forgot about getting one of those VIP tickets that Steve had - any way of getting one at such short notice?
PM me your address.
Originally posted by merlin
I'll be putting in a brief appearence. Hope fully Robbo will be helping me as I will wear a blindfold for the duration.

...or Henryt or I can give you sighted guide - we're used to dealing with totally blind mates :)
Originally posted by GrahamN
Mike (P) - as Steve will be taking his avatar along, I think you are duty-bound to take yours along as well :D

:D Which bit were you thinking of Graham? There's a ***** joke in there somewhere, or were you thinking of the AAD (anti audiophile device) on the left?

Henryt or I can give you sighted guide - we're used to dealing with totally blind mates

Very kind offer Dom. I've been thinking about this and the only problem, other than navigation, seems to be the possiblity of other visitors mentioning the products within earshot.

But if anyone wants to take the blind test, opaque bandanas will be available at the front door at 10am I believe.
Originally posted by merlin
:D Which bit were you thinking of Graham?
I think for the full effect it requires both the AAD and the "golden-eared" audiophile. Carrying AADs around Heathrow may cause a problem though with the Dibble.

the only problem....seems to be the possiblity of other visitors mentioning the products within earshot.
Maybe add a pair of very good earplugs too? ;) :irish:
Originally posted by GrahamN
Carrying AADs around Heathrow may cause a problem though with the Dibble.

I know Graham, what's this country coming to?

Having lived in the Stanwell/Heathrow/Hounslow area for a couple of years, it seems that it should be the right of every law abiding citizen to carry an AAD at all times (although brandishing it ONLY when threatened or at the checkout of the drive through MacDonalds on the Bath Road)

I do hope you can make it along on Saturday as I suspect I will be able to detect your presence in a room under blind conditions purely via the sensation of blood seeping from my inner ear.
a while ago there was a bit of a ruck on the forum with someone saying 'you'll be on my manor at heathrow so watch it' this all ended up amicably with various offers of beers being bought at the show.... so who's buying beer for whom then?

I'm tempted to go and see/hear whether the new stainless steel, don't need to pump up, super-douper amazing speaker platforms by Max Townshend are worth all the fuss he's making about them; also to say hello to 7V.
cannae make this one :(

thus I expect a full and complete report with lots of nice piccies.

cheers //lamboy
Originally posted by lAmBoY
cannae make this one :(

thus I expect a full and complete report with lots of nice piccies.
Well, naturally I'll provide a complete report on the sound quality in the Seventh Veil room myself. ;)
You boys will be in for a treat, I've just finished collecting our line up for the weekend.
Border Patrol BP 20 with seperate Psu's and Gary's matching pre-amp too. The Evo 4 doing the bass duties, nice and tight, awesome control too. Gryodeck up to with SME V arm, Trichord Delpini MK2 with N/C psu and new power I/C (apprantly rather good in a recent review I'm told)
The cdp has recieved a 'little attention', since it's last outing so all in all you will maxium pipe & slippers, like never before.
See you all there. Wm
I'll definitely be going tomorrow now. It would be good to meet any other zeroGainers there, so I think I'll print out the logo to wear as a badge should anyone want to say hi.

Hope to see some of you there,


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