Merlin, I think you have hit the nail on the nut.
The venue certainly lends itself better to high-end equipment than say the Marriott in Bristol.
I think everyone enjoyed the lack of crowds, so perhaps any initiative to improve on the low numbers needs only to achieve medium numbers in order to be considered a success as long as the "demographic" was the right balance.
So if a future event attracted medium numbers of enthusiasts and as long as a few of these have some real cash to spend, I would say this balance would be ideal.
Maybe ZG is a good incubator for such an initiative. I would actually be quite interested in getting invloved in trying to hatch a plan (based on the fact I havent remotely thought it through yet).
- an independently marketed show, where
- ZGers work together to form interesting features and virally market said event
- vendors/manufacturers could show by invite only
- Titian could bring his home kit over
I think such a show could reach cult status within 2 years.
naturally there may be some financial risk for some, but the chance for kudos, and perhaps a small profit for the ZG foundation??
Anybody else interested or am I talking arse gas?