
I dont think I am the one with a filter, actually I find ridiculous that having extra channels, that you can switch off and listen to CDs in stereo if you prefer, makes the sound worst... :rolleyes:

My front channel speakers and power are stereo, the processor also has a bypass of all digital processing if one wants to use it, the player didn't make any significant difference from a modded TEAC, so what am I missing here... :confused:

I am sure it sounds different from your system, that sounds different from WM's, that sounds different from Julian's, so what... :SLEEP:

I'm not suggesting that the extra channels make the sound worse, just that the kit I have heard/owned sounded inferior in two channel to dedicated stereo components at less than half the price.

Take the Bryston 7.1(£3700), same analogue pre section as the BP25(£1295). And that's one of the best performers in two channel. The Tag was nothing more than a £500 pre, or a £800 pre/dac combo. But it cost getting on for £3K.

Now if you must have multichannel for music (for me it does nothing but disguise the weakness of the equipment used in two channel), then my preference, based on experience would be for a dedicated two channel rig, featuring a pre with theatre bypass, plus a power amp to match the stereo one. And I would spend the bulk of the budget on the stereo kit and get a dedicated two channel source. Just my feelings based on playing with a lot of kit, for me music is more important than crashes, bangs and whizzy affects.

BTW, I had the pleasure of watching LOTR with seven of the CC2's and a very good AV setup it was too, they do look funny sitting on their end:D
Originally posted by Paul Ranson
I seem to agree with Merlin. This should cause frogs to fall from the sky somewhere since he is almost always wrong...


:lol: :lol: :ffrc: :ffrc:

I was BORN a "wrong'un", at least according to my father.

Pray tell, what is your excuse?....

Seriously, it must be said that PL11 can make a poor set of electronics sound far less offensive than it has a right to, so at the budget end it can add a fun aspect to reproduction.

IMHO, if a setup sounds better playing stereo material in processed multichannel, it is simply exposing the weakness of the system in reproducing the recording faithfully and musically. And ultimately, the larger the percentage of budget spent on the stereo performance, the more likely you are to have long term satisfaction when listening to your favourite music.
I think it dangerous to judge systems heard in DIFFERENT LOCATIONS and make comparisons.

If ADB were here, I can hear his ghost saying '' you can only change one variable to have a fair test!''

The AV systems I have always heared all sound pretty crap other than expensive £1000+ plus ones at high-fi shows. However if even a £500 basic AV amp, dvd and 5.1 speaker set will probably easily outperform most peoples AV packages. You can buy a DVD player, amp, 5.1 speaker setup for just £80 now. I am not sure what the specs are but lets just say they are probably quouted in PMPO rather RMS.


I stayed at my cousins last night after a night out and we were watching QVC. Some of the DVD packages they were tryign to sell were so funny.
Originally posted by lowrider
There we go again... :micro:

Just today I listened to a stereo system, Primare CD, Simaudio pre and power, + some large nice speakers, and it sounded much worst than my AV... :p

It improved a lot with a Clearaudio TT with Benz cartridge, but still not as good as mine... :MILD:
I heard that system too Antonio ;) and yes, I thought it was pretty awful - much worse than my system (and that's with my Arcam amp, not the SimAudio i-5). Don't know what was wrong. It's hard to believe the amps were the problem (SimAudio P5 + W5) and I don't know that Primare CD player but it can't be that bad but IMO something about those speakers ( or the room was the issue. There was way too much resonance and room boom in the bass.

You can't really use that system as an argument either way :)

having extra channels that you can switch off and listen to CDs in stereo if you prefer, makes the sound worse
Hmm, I've said this before but I prefer the sound of your system in stereo :)

Originally posted by merlin
The Tag was nothing more than a £500 pre, or a £800 pre/dac combo. But it cost getting on for £3K
Antonio has a Krell Showcase processor now and IMO it sounds a lot better than the Tag, but the Tag wasn't bad.

Antonio, I think your system sounds very good but IMO a stereo system of much less cost would sound just as good and that is the point that merlin was trying to make.

I am not alone...

Anyway, thats totally behind my point in this thread, what I strongly disagree is that no surround system can play music as well as a two channel system, of course it will cost more, but it will play stereo as well, with the bonus of playing surround if you like + DVD movies and concerts like no two channel will ever play... :JPS:

Also, when they finally got the TT right, the system did sound pretty good, so I assume the CDP was crap, not the speakers or the room... :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by lowrider
I assume the CDP was crap, not the speakers or the room... :rolleyes:

Antonio, now your doing a Wm :D I feel the words you werew looking for were 'Not particularly appealing' or 'sadly not my cup of tea' even, 'I'm sure it has hidden depths' :D (But I'd be Fooked if I can find them :) )
anyway what was this thread about ? :confused: Wm
Originally posted by lowrider
Also, when they finally got the TT right, the system did sound pretty good, so I assume the CDP was crap, not the speakers or the room... :rolleyes:
OK, it could have been the CDP. I heard the TT (I thought it was a Basis not a Clearaudio :confused: ) before you arrived but something was wrong with the Plinius phono stage they were using. Even so it sounded better than the CDP. Good to hear it sounded better when they got it all sorted.

well, what i decided on (and i still want people's opinions!!) was the mordaunt short premier speaker set and the marantz 5400 ose av receiver

any alternatives to recommend which might be a bit cheaper?
right, i got the mordaunt shorts and managed to get a marantz 7300 pretty cheap

whole shebang for £600

good or bad?

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