[quote="lbr, post: 717557"]RG in the latest issue of HiFi+ makes a side comment about people who don't believe that the quality of mains makes a significant difference. It was something along the lines of "a small minority of luddites" [the word "luddites" he definitely used]. Now I [B]do[/B] think mains has a significant effect, and I have the boxes to prove it, but it is clear that those who don't believe are not "a minority" - it's a widely held, plausible view and just because it is not my view does not make it wrong. "Luddites" was just plain rude. The most charitable conclusion I can draw about RG from comments like that is that he is an arrogant tit.[/QUOTE] Twas ever thus, though. I recall many years ago Chris Frankland responding to a reader who wrote in to say he preferred the sound of his Japanese direct drive turntable to that of an LP12: 'Your ears clearly aren't ready to appreciate high-end audio' or some such twattery. Just possibly, of course, the reader's tastes were different to Frankland's, and his ears didn't need 'educating'.