How many of you are *REALLY* music lovers?

your cds3, nap 500, nbl system would not only not make any noise (you'd need a nac 552 pre) but it's definately 2nd or 3rd tier and therefore not even worth bothering with. to get to the top you'd need active dbl's with a '3 pack' of nap 500's at least.
but seriously to kind of merge what you are saying and what paul is saying. a better hi fi gives you the choice of listening analytically or of just grooving out. the biggest complaint i have with most hi-fi is that it forces analytical listening and the biggest complaint i have with compressed music is that it forces the latter.
no i've not heard your system however i have heard compressed music burnt onto a cd and played through a decent dvd player into my system and to be honest it was obvious that it was inferior to my cd player playing the same music. perhaps this isn;t an ideal test in your eyes but for me it just reinforces the choices i made about what route to persue towards musical nirvana. even the guy i sold my old technics stack to, who scoffed that there was any difference, commented that he could hear the difference between origionals and mp3's - on the technics!

Originally posted by julian2002

no i've not heard your system however i have heard compressed music burnt onto a cd and played through a decent dvd player into my system and to be honest it was obvious that it was inferior to my cd player playing the same music. perhaps this isn;t an ideal test in your eyes but for me it just reinforces the choices i made about what route to persue towards musical nirvana. even the guy i sold my old technics stack to, who scoffed that there was any difference, commented that he could hear the difference between origionals and mp3's - on the technics!


Thats fair enough mate, but I dont use Mp3s, and I am sure most of you can hear the difference between Mp3 and the original, but FWIW, I believe many of you would have a much harder time with MPC format compressed at a decent level. At level 6-7 its said to be totally transparent.

Anyway, I dont think I have ever tried to convert anyone to compressed files. Its either something someone wishes to do or not, I like the convenience personally, and if I thought there was serious degradation I'd look elsewhere. I respect those who only wish to listen to the originals, but I do get a bit tired of hearing some of the drivel thats expelled, without even giving it a *FAIR* chance in many cases.

This is an interesting thread. They is one rule to being a music lover is that you like music. You can do this by many means. You can have a huge or small record/cd collection, a cheap or expensive hifi, go to many or very gigs & concerts, listen to compressed or uncompressed music etc.

There are no hard & fast rules to getting to be a music lover. I've been enjoying it since I was around 3 or 4 years old when I can remember jumping around the living room to the sounds of original ska, rocksteady/bluebeat records. I still enjoy the many areas of music now. I have a huge collection of hifi equipment & magazines. I have a huge collection of music books & magazines. I DJ to the masses & also put my feet up to hifi system. I listen to music on a small transistor radio & an expensive hifi system. I used to go to loads of gigs when I was younger & not not so much now. I had a small record collection in my early teens but it's massive now (25000+ items & growing).

I have a quite a good overall music knowledge (excellent in some areas) which I will spread to anyone that will listen. I'm nearly unbeaten on the music pub quizes I have entered this year.

Yes put me on the music lovers train.

Hi Data

you have made some interesting points,

I find it bizarre that we focus SO much on the the equipment, rather than the end, simply listening and enjoying to music.

What is bizarre about this. This is after all a HiFi forum. Most of us are interested in equipment or we will be using Dansette record players. Equipment & how we use it is part of the hobby for us. If you are not interested in hifi, equipment or theories, people should post more in the music section.

For example, I have a lot of bits of kit round the house. Some of it I tweak or mod, so I don't. So I've bought cause it was cheap, some cause I fancied owning or trying out. Some I sell on. I'm interested in technology & I find having various bits of stuff can give you a good insight into what makes hifi tick. This is all part of the hobby to me.

I like listening to music through these bits of kits. The better bits transmit a better musical message which gives better enjoyment.

Does it really correlate that the more we spend on our rigs, the more enjoyment we get out of our music. I am not always convinced.

I agree there is no gurarantee. Some people are over the moon with their expensive systems while so are not never happy. Likewise with cheap systems, some people are happly with these while others are not.

I don't think there is any other pursuit, possibly wine, maybe which is so snobbish as this...

There are plenty. Fashion is one. Houses are another, cars are another, music is another, the list is plentiful. In a subject where you have a lot of choice, you will always get varying & snobbish opinions.

We don't analyse the colours when we are watching tv, some saddo mags are doing this with dvd ratings, you don't look at actors costume on the stage and say, I think it would be better if the red was a little more vibrant, the costume dept isn't quite putting all the detail into its military logos...or something like that you get the point.

We do. Maybe not to the nth degree but to some degree. For example, we adjust the colour, brightness & contrast on the TV or monitor to suit our eyes & taste. If thing don't look right, we adjust. If we watch a film or play we may question logistic or historical inaccuracies, dodgy acting and accents. Some people more than others do this.

This forum is a broad church of ideas. I do think people on it love music, some more than others but they will all go about in different ways.

We do. Maybe not to the nth degree but to some degree. For example, we adjust the colour, brightness & contrast on the TV or monitor to suit our eyes & taste. If thing don't look right, we adjust.

Funny that we adjust colour, brightness, contrast etc but the thought of using tone controls for music is a cardinal sin...

However I think the vast majority of us have a built a system with the "tone" controls we prefer "built in" for want of a better expression.
arrghhh another cool 10k just for a nac552
I have heard some people actually triamping nap500s, talk about overkill in the extreme,

yes good points, agreed, with most of the points..however I feel, myself included, that some of the lengths gone to are maybe can err on the compulsive at times, the tv analogy is a bit inaccurate, sure we want a good picture, but we don't pull the thing apart and change the capacitors to do this!
sure we want a good picture, but we don't pull the thing apart and change the capacitors to do this!

Sure I dont do that, nor to hifi, but ask WM... :rolleyes:
Confucious say ' one mans floor is another mans ceiling' !

We all like different kinds of music.
Some people dig kit more than others.
We have different quantities of music.

I dont think theres anyone on the forum that doesnt really like their own type of recorded music (or anti-music fox! :) )

GrahamN goes to more concerts in a year than I will in a lifetime.
SCIDB has more albums now, than I will own in the rest of my life.
WM knows more about how to tweak a CDP or make a cable than I'll ever know.
Sideshowbob listens to music for longer each day than me.

However, I bet we all get goosebumps and a great big smile when we listen to music we love!!

NB leave PB alone about his headphones. I bet they sound fantastic! :D

PB - can I have your old ones now?!?!?! :D

is music drug?

What makes me come home and turn immediately the hifi on?
What makes me spend so much time in listening to music instead of parting my life more with my family?
What makes me spend so much money to be able to hear music 'like' in the concert hall?

Is this love or is music pure drug?
What does music compensates in my life?

.. and in your life?
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Interesting. After some thought I think to be honest compairing myself to a few of my friends I do not appear to like music very much. I may have the most expensive hifi set, own the biggest CD collection and spend the most time reading/posting in hifi forums. A few of my mate like music so much they spend 10 hours per day practising on their piano and go on to study a degree in music academy. Others spend almost every free everning they have in concerts or gigs. One of my classmate have a choice to study medicine or become a classical violinist. She is now a doctor but every night she plays the violin during university days and still does. Another sing in a choir but have to attend practise 2-3 times per week.

Me? I don't play any instrument. I have been to an opera no more then once a year. Concert attentance have been reduced to 2 this year so far. CD purchase maybe less then 10 lately. However, I listen to Radio 2 every morning. Catch up on my a few BBC concerts on TV or Radio3. And the rest of the time perhaps 2 hours per week of serious hifi listening to my collection. Come to think about it have have not even pick up a book on music this year. Interesting.
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Re: I hate music

Originally posted by fox

Usually found spinning on my record deck (bought purely for its looks -- although I am happy to tell you that "those in the know" reckon It cannot hold a tune -- which is a relief) is records by bands such as Einstuerzende Neubauten, Metabolist, Prag VeC, This Heat, Blood Donor, John Zorn's more... wilder escapades into fragementary sounds, plus spin offs such as Nurse with Wound (I do draw the line at Massada as that has too much that sounds like real tunes), then there's good old Cabaret Voltaire who in their very early days would record with a mono cassette recorder placed in a gig at a sheffield working men's club -- complete with fights), Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV.

how old skool...

I like the sound of Robots vs Rabbits though, I'll get that sometime.

If you haven't done so yet, check out Birchville Cat Motel and Fe-Mail
Originally posted by PBirkett
I believe many of you would have a much harder time with MPC format compressed at a decent level. At level 6-7 its said to be totally transparent.

aye at the bakeoff we had some interesting results comparing the original music with mpc and mp3 variants. have to say i couldn't always tell the mpc apart from the original although the mp3 was very splashy
and to get back onto topic:
4 DVD-As
6 DVD-V music discs
300 CDs
50 MDs
2gbs of mostly awful sounding mp3s (not mpcs) but fine for mixing with :)
Originally posted by Rory
aye at the bakeoff we had some interesting results comparing the original music with mpc and mp3 variants. have to say i couldn't always tell the mpc apart from the original although the mp3 was very splashy

There was no MPC files on that disc mate.

The splashy MP3 would have been a 128K one. The other was a 320K. MPC is superior to both.
it's lossy vs unlossy, the choice of media is irrelevant as solid state or traditional media can store either.

Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
I know naim is good, but it does strike me as odd that ' I have to have the best or I can't enjoy my music' 'I have to have this amp, this zero feedback amp if I don't, the rest are crap,
'I can only enjoy if I have a cds3, nap 500, nbls'
...that kind of thing.....

Not all Naimies think like this ;) OK so I only have a NAIT3, but my Rega sources and speakers will do for a long time, and the only reason I'd upgrade the amp is to get a pre-power while that one's being recapped in a couple of years. The system is now sounding pretty decent so the buck burning stops here :)

Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
I feel sorry for some poor wives who have to put up with not having a good holiday as the man has spent 1000s on his kit....

What's a holiday - and more to the point, what's a wife??? Give me good club nights and beer and music over some dodgy water and sunburn any day thanks :) Mind you, a full moon party in Thailand would be sweet...

Fox - right - that's it! My mission at the record fayre this weekend is to locate this repress (or original) of the live at the YMCA thing - excellent!

Paul - ignore them mate - headphones/head amps can give almost any conventional hifi powerhouse a run for their money - my Rega Ear/Sennheiser 580s sound more musical and accurate to me than any hifi system I've heard, though Henryt's and Tone's get close. My main rig is rubbish in comparison, but good enough for me :) The only bummer with my headphones rig is it's i tbe bedroom system so suffers a lo-fi vinyl source (in relation to the main rig) - and god I've got to get that cartridge upgraded/realigned soon!!! Though Bush, Kate Bush, and Tori Amos (I just grabbed a load from the lounge at random) sounded fairly OK last night :)