The Devil
I've got four records and three CDs. They are all very good, mind.
Originally posted by The Devil
I've got four records and three CDs. They are all very good, mind.
Originally posted by notaclue
I recommend a nice long 'dem' before buying music. I was going to buy a Sting CD but I found that Eva Cassidy had a much smoother midrange and a sweeter treble. I am thinking of upgrading one of my Diana Krall CDs to a Sting CD next year, though.
Unfortunately, if you ask for a 'dem' in places like Woolworths you can get some funny looks. Please bear this in mind.
Originally posted by notaclue
I recommend a nice long 'dem' before buying music. I was going to buy a Sting CD but I found that Eva Cassidy had a much smoother midrange and a sweeter treble. I am thinking of upgrading one of my Diana Krall CDs to a Sting CD next year, though.
Unfortunately, if you ask for a 'dem' in places like Woolworths you can get some funny looks. Please bear this in mind.
Seriously though - did Linguaphone or anyone like that release language courses on vinyl? I know they now do some on CD...
Originally posted by Robbo
I dont listen to music on my system. I only listen to frequency sweeps and pink noise. I reckon I only have to spend another £10-20K or so now and then I will have a system that will reproduce them to my satisfaction.
Originally posted by wolfgang
Have you tried to sample valves and try to guess the vintage and country of origin simply by listening to each, double of course?
Yes, I've got ETF5 too.Originally posted by michaelab
I use ETF Accoustic ( which does MLS sweeps. Very useful piece of software (if you have the right laptop hardward to use it with).