How much has hifi gear *really* progressed lately?

Baudrillard said:
What about farmed salmon swimming around in their own excrement. It's because we apparently want really cheap food. Do we?

Ummm, yep, 99% of people don't give a sh*t about the food they eat - if its cheap, they'll eat it! If its really cheap, give it to the kids!! Its a shame that 1066 didn't have more of a culinary influence on the nation :rolleyes:

Compare farmed salmon to non-farm cod; people look at the two and think - bloody hell, I'm not paying THAT much for cod - salmon is half the price!

Of course - they don't read the small print (at least supermarkets are kind enough to make the distinction on packaging these days).

Back on-topic, 99% of hi-fi buyers don't give a sh*t what they buy - if its cheap, great. If its really cheap, give it to the kids!!

Quality equipment is of course, still made today, but is an order of magnitude more expensive than the mass-produced muck (like farmed salmon) made in china. If you want solidly-engineered generation-spanning equipment, you're going to have to pay for it I'm afraid.

Problem is, when you go to the dealership and see that the battleship valve amp costs four times as much as the flimsy chinese transistor amp, its natural to have second thoughts. Given that the chinese amp probably has more features and might even sound better than the valve amp, justifying the price of the former becomes even more difficult.

Most people have the same problem at the fish counter. Do I pay twice as much for a (admittedly bland-tasting) cod or get some yummy salmon (ok, its farmed, but on the balance of probablities it probably won't kill me)?

Decisions decisions........
Isaac Sibson said:
Of course things have changed out of all recognition in the past few years. I mean, you can now get THE WORLDS BEST LOUDSPEAKER!

Don't start that again Isaac.
Here's my own rating list(marks out of 20)for all the amplifiers that I have owned in the last 33 years. Yes, it is no doubt controversial, but remember it is what I heard in my system and gave the most enjoyable listening. The top 2 high rated are from the mid 70's and only the EC comes anywhere near from 'recent' jobs. So, from where I sit there has been NO progress. Standard of build went downhill from the early 80's but at least the EC holds its own on that score.

Naim Audio Nap110............................................ .....8
Audio Innovations 300 valve integrated.....................9
Pioneer A400.............................................. .............9
Naim Audio NAP140............................................ ...10
ARC Classic 60 valve............................................. .10
Audiolab 8000s integrated...................................... 10
ARC D200 modified.......................................... ......11
Albarry M408II monos........................................... 11
EAR 861 valve............................................. ..........12
Krell KAV300i integrated........................................ .12
Bartolomeo S140..................................................12
Audion SilverNight mono valve................................12
Quad 405-2................................................. .........13
Quad 606-2................................................. .........14
Electrocompaniet AW220...................................... 14
Pioneer SX-636 receiver........................................ 15
Pioneer SA-9100 integrated....................................17
Pioneer SX-636 receiver........................................ 15
Pioneer SA-9100 integrated....................................17

these are your top two?!?

All I can say is that I bought a Wadia 6 approx 8 years ago, and have never heard anything better!
lAmBoY said:
Pioneer SX-636 receiver........................................ 15
Pioneer SA-9100 integrated....................................17

these are your top two?!?

Surprisin' init! Two modest silver Japs made in the 70's. That would make them 30yo now. I was so impressed I bought 2 of each! But don't expect to run them straight from the black bin bag without some attention, e.g. checking offset is major, internal cleaning, replacing fuses, deoxit all wire-wraps. If your lucky that's it, and don't expect to get 'em off Ebay without some competition!

SA-9100(£60+) = This little integrated, 60wpc, won a mastering studio shoot-out with six "top-rated" studio amps rated at over 250-watts. Its split, plus-minus, power supply and 15000uf capacitors; hand-wired preamp controls, dual-ganged - not sealed pots. Depth and detail of stereo imaging, unforced clarity, naturalness and vivid stereo panorama. Remember Karen Carpenter's brother, Richard? He won't let go of his because of its vocal portrayal! Well it works in my system.

SX-636(£25) = This is my little discovery. I am forever fascinated with radio I started to collect tuners until I came across this! Hooked up to a very modest pair of speakers, Advent Mini, in my second system. At 25wpc in a 13x12 room you cannot wish for a sweeter sound.
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LaToilette: I saw a couple of pages back you were thinking of going back to solid state. I love the Sugden 21 and for a grand its unbeatable probably. They have brought out a shiny new and remotely operated more powerful version at twice the cost a - nice amp but maybe not worth it so much. But here's my suggestion for long term no nonsense solid state gear ; Exposure New Classics range £2800 for the pre + power amps giving you : watts and current to drive anything, PRaT ( God I hate typing that), nice tonality (and less in yer face than say Naim) at the same time, good name and back up. In otherwords a great compromise and practical too. The matching CD player though not easy to find reviewed is highly regarded by those who sell it ( well obviously !) but it is good. There is also a feature in HiFi World an issue or two back comparing old Exposure with the new top line stuff I cited here and it speaks very favourably of the new stuff. 23 and 28 amps. 22 CD.
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Cloth-Ears said:
I love the Sugden 21 and for a grand its unbeatable probably. They have brought out a shiny new and remotely operated more powerful version at twice the cost a - nice amp but maybe not worth it so much.

In last month's Hi Fi World magazine, there is a review of the new Sugden A21SE integrated amp. The photo of the inside shows that the preamp circuit board has been changed, but the transformer and the two power amps boards on either sides of the amp look very similar to the A21a. There is also a review of the A21SE in Hi Fi plus this month by Jason Hector.


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