Greetings All
Jay said
Hi John
I would have a chat with your "dealer" about a suitable match to your SBL's - a cheaper alternative that is than the Naim centre. I think you'll be very surprised in the difference it will make.
The centre is incredibly important in home theatre. It carries a huge amount of information, not just dialogue. It's as if the front L/R channels support the centre. The centre does not "fill the gap" between them. When you have a speaker like the SBL it's doublely important because, as you say, they are hard against the front wall.
Here's where I'm coming from, experience wise.....I built my front left/right and surrounds around a centre speaker upgrade. I purchased a second hand Royd AV77 that gave such a full and attractive sound I had to match the rest of the front sound field with Royd Minstels. I was lucky enough to find a full set of 4 and have prob found another 2!
The benefit of having all speakers tonally matched is enormous but the fronts even more so. So I really do strongly suqqest that a centre is probably THE most important speaker in an HT system. If you can't tonally match get a second hand cheapie. You never know you could end up building a system around it!
Sadly for me, my dealer only stocks 'high quality' = $$$sive speakers, namely Ruark that could be considered a match for SBL's. Different sound, but only a little cheaper than the Naim Access....... *sigh*
As always though I very much appreciate yours, and everyone elses input, and it's great to find folks here with experience and expertise, including some Naim owners (!) more than willing to look at different ideas and ways of doing things.
In principal, I agree totally with the matched center, for panning/tonal balance etc. My main concern though is that I am hoping a center speaker specifically will improve the intelligibiliy of dialogue, which appears to be the case from comments being made.
However, cost, re the Naim Access as I've mentioned, and the perceived limitations of my main 2 channel speakers (SBL's) re soundstaging for HT duties is causing some angst, as it's an area I'd like to improve upon as well.
To be sure, as I mentioned earlier, If, like many, I could crystal ball gaze, and knew that 2 channel will ultimately give way to multi-channel music, then the best way forward would be to add-on to my Naim system with matching Naim speakers and amps all around, and their own AV processor as well.
However, multi-channel music appears to be a long way off from becoming mainstream, if ever, and to go that way with equivalent quality items, would mean outlaying more than twice what I already have invested in my system, a move I could not contemplate at the present time.
In the interim, I could leave as is, and wait to see how things pan out re SACD/DVD-A before shelling out large amounts of money, or, try and separate the two sytems.
As it stands, I have some Sony ES equipment (ducks and runs for cover

- second worst sin to owning Naim it appears in some places, is owning Sony

) 'integrated' with the Naim 2 channel, i.e. DVD player, AV processor, and amp driving just the rears at present, but as the amp is multi-mode, it can drive a center as well, or if need be, all five channels.
i could easily add on to my existing Tannoy rears, with matching center, AND left and right mains, thus separating it from the Naim totally, and having it as a separate system.
As I mentioned earlier, re being between a rock and a hard place, whilst this solution appeals greatly, I only have one room currently at my disposal; hence this would mean two sets of speakers at the front of the room, - SBL's & Tannoys. From an aesthetic point of view this doesn't worry me, however I would think two sets of speakers so close to each other would be most likely to compromise the sound of both, re standing waves, reflections etc.
I say think, because I've never tried this. It MIGHT work, but I have not heard any comment from anyone who may have tried this move.
Any thoughts anyone ? If trying to separate the 2 ch & AV and run them as two separate systems, but in the same room is an insane/stupid/ blah, blah, blah idea etc, please say so. On the other hand, could it work???
BTW, I DO appreciate all the comments; it's really helpful, thank you.