You'd have to make your thread interesting enough for people to read Simon. There would be nothing wrong with suggesting 'digital room correction' but saying why don't you buy one of my Deq 5589967863369's wouldn't. Likewise offering it to someone when they asked about CD upgrades wouldn't be on, but if you have a thread of your own, and someone asks a question you can espouse it's potential to your hearts content.
As I said to Zanash, I'd like to give you the potential to create blog like spaces, with the most recent entries appearing on a front page. Keep that up to date, surely that is an opportunity for you?
Then I doubt I will bother posting. I can blog all I want on my own website. What people often need is pointing out that they are looking in the wrong place for their solution. This would prohibit that for me. I'm sure it would still be seen as touting if IO kept pointing people to digital correction and then had a blog saying 'I make this really great digital room correction thing'.
What I'm trying to say is I don't think you can have input from trade members without people claiming its biased in some way.
Simon I don't see ZG as that forum, I see it as a place where all viewpoints can co-exist. I think the problem with a forum where everyone agrees to agree about measurement being the answer is that there is nothing to discuss! Yes that measures best, it is the best. Next..........
There is lots to discuss, the interesting part is relating known science to human perception and real life situations.
There are almost infinite ways to relate these principals to real life. But if a phenomenon can not even be shown to exist in the first place, further discussion is only going to be rather pointless.
For example if no one can show that putting a Cd player on a funny rack changes its output in any way, then recommendation of such a thing to improve the sound should be heavily frowned upon as it will only mislead posters.
Suggesting a better regulator on the analog output op-amps because it reduces the noise floor is fair cop.
Something general like a discussion of oversampling and non-oversampling, and the relation of each methods technical aspects to the sound they create is rather interesting too.
Still I don't expect ZeroGain to become that forum, but it would be nice!