How will this work ?

OK, I think I understand the wording as it stands now - may I give some examples in a humorous vein:

  1. If I ever say in a public reply in a non-trade forum "ask Zoroaster if you are looking for depleted uranium fuses" the post will be deleted by mods for unallowed promotion.
  2. If I repeatedly or constantly make such recommendations I run the risk of being banned.
  3. if I send out unsolicited PMs offering my LP1812 lid-hinges I run the risk of being banned.
  4. I am explicitly allowed to reply to PMs asking me about the LP1812 lid-hinges I make.
  5. I can proactively talk about my LP1812 hinges and recommend Zoroaster DU fuses on the (forthcoming) trade forum.
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I stopped coming to ZG for one simple reason. The posts had just become so dull, same old people with the same old gear raking over the same dull issues.

Why don't you make ZG the home of the chipamp, or something similar.

Give it a USP, its only current USP is that its the fastest declining audio forum going.
Thanks for your positivity. I know however more about chipmunks than I do about chipamps....


1. Is not a problem so long as you're not recommending them. If someone asks where can I buy ......? Then by all means tell them where they can buy. On the other hand if someone says 'my TT sounds a bit dodgy, any ideas? and the person who always says 'buy a depleted uranium fuse' does just that and suggests Zoroaster as a vendor, they would be on a sticky wicket.

2. If you were persistantly using the main forum as an opportunity to help a trader shift stock then yes.

3. If someone complains then yes. I can't monitor your PMs. You have a trade space to advertise your products.

4. Of course. Why would that be a problem? Responding to a PM is different to touting for business. You are in business speak following up a lead, not seeking new ones.

5. Yes that will be why it's there. I see it as a much more dynamic place than it currently is. It could be a fabulous resource. Have a look at the current thread
If every trader who wanted one had their own thread or blog it would allow discussion between vendors and their market. It would I hope allow the cottage industry vendors an opportunity to flourish.
LS I am sorry but it is not on the top of my page,can you point me in the right direction, thanks keith.
Some good points been aired ....

off topic slightly

ZG.....used to be a broad church tolerant of all views and open to ideas's only declined since this has ceased ie one or a number of views shouted down by a very vocal minority ...imo

maybe we should try to return to those days ?......

also we should remember everyone has an opinion even if its currently out of fashion ...and as long as its not breaching the rules has as much right to heard as any other.
yes - I agree....

I still have ZG as my home page on both my work and home laptops... :D
Zanash you don't need to be defensive. I can only see these changes being good for small businesses. You get web presence with interested clients. You could link to it on your web page or in your signature.

As for affordable audio, they don't charge anybody for their product, so I can't see it as an issue or that they need to change their modus operandi, unless of course there's something I'm missing?
I'm not a great fan of when someone comes on here asking for advice and some people always ask them to try my product even if it isn't wants always required (i.e. modded 2496...)...

I want to be able to draw upon their expertise without their products unduly colouring the ZG forum.

That would cause a problem for me because I sell products that resolve many of the issues my expertise covers. For example if someone is asking about new speakers and it is clearly a room mode problem I would recommend bass traps or a modified DEQ (I usually try to offer alternatives to my own products too).

This could be seen as touting on a thread where no-one had asked about my products, but in many cases I see people being lead down the completely wrong path to resolve their problem. The number of times I have seen people buying new cables or swapping a CD player or amp when they have a room issue is crazy. Should I just let this happen, so as not to be seen as pushing my wares on someone who has not asked for them? What if they think they know what they need, but don't really?

To a degree I'm sure the same applies for many dealers, who would not stock and sell what they do, if they thought there was better to be had elsewhere. So now they just have to bite their tung if they sell a great new product that would suit someone on the forum.

How would it stand if someone was looking for new cables to resolve what is clearly (to me at least) a room issue, and I generally suggest 'digital room correction' instead of my modified DEQ?

To be honest, what I would like to see is a forum that is based on hard scientific understanding, with little else tolerated. I'm sick of seeing wishy-washy crap and snake-oil misleading and confusing people. The forum should attract experts in digital processing, analog electronics, acoustics, mechanical engineering, recording techniques, materials science etc, etc.. That would make it a unique and worthwhile place to post. :) A church of truth and understanding.
You'd have to make your thread interesting enough for people to read Simon. There would be nothing wrong with suggesting 'digital room correction' but saying why don't you buy one of my Deq 5589967863369's wouldn't. Likewise offering it to someone when they asked about CD upgrades wouldn't be on, but if you have a thread of your own, and someone asks a question you can espouse it's potential to your hearts content.

As I said to Zanash, I'd like to give you the potential to create blog like spaces, with the most recent entries appearing on a front page. Keep that up to date, surely that is an opportunity for you?
Simon I don't see ZG as that forum, I see it as a place where all viewpoints can co-exist. I think the problem with a forum where everyone agrees to agree about measurement being the answer is that there is nothing to discuss! Yes that measures best, it is the best. Next..........
A long overdue change. As for touting - it is plainly obvious what it is. Interesting who most dislikes the change isn't it?

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