If you had only one Eupen where would you put it?

Agreed. I have my doubts about the DV stuff - thankfully, I can give them back or use them on the Rotel etc at home where they do work, apparently.

Incidentally, what did work on the 1.2 IYO?
Alex, the following really give it a kick in the arse, Audience P/C, A/Zen Krakatoa and the Tiapan, all of which aint cheap sorry, but they do really work very, if you and Tom come up, I'll should be able to find one you can borrow. Tone
Thanks WM. So how much are the above - my mains cable limit is £100.

Its not easy to dem a single cable that effectively but results so far show that the Eupen helps the Densen a lot, the P100 quite a bit, the L100 a bit and the HX1.2 hardly at all. (This could all be because of cables further upstream preventing improvements from getting through). Nonetheless, there are no negatives to report.

Originally posted by michaelab
I'd stick on the Ikemi. I've had the best results with them on digital gear (CDPs and DACs).


Hey Michael,

It is safe to assume that the Linn Ikemi, being a digital component, would be responsive to power cord changes but surprisingly, that is not the case. The Ikemi's power supply (which I think is custom made by Linn) ensures that after market power cords have no effect. Maybe there is a power cord out there that subjectively 'improves' on the Ikemi's sound but to date, I have not heard it.

SteveC - buy some more music with the cash:D and on that note ......................

Enjoy the music,

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Originally posted by Lawrie
Hey Michael,

It is safe to assume that the Linn Ikemi, being a digital component, would be responsive to power cord changes but surprisingly, that is not the case. The Ikemi's power supply (which I think is custom made by Linn) ensures that after market power cords have no effect...
Thanks. The same thought had struck me but I was prepared to be surprised. (I have a Eupen and a Supra under test but I will not comment yet.) The same argument should then apply to all the Linn components with their in-house SMPS then, which is most of their products now.
Originally posted by SteveC
Thanks. The same thought had struck me but I was prepared to be surprised. (I have a Eupen and a Supra under test but I will not comment yet.) The same argument should then apply to all the Linn components with their in-house SMPS then, which is most of their products now.

Hey Steve,

You can try the power cords on your Linn amps but I'm not sure if you will get much joy. If you do hear improvements, make sure that they are not imaginary especially if you are the one swapping between the original Linn cords and the after market power cords. One way to know for sure if the aftermarket cords are of any benefit is to get a friend to swap the cables ensuring that you don't know which is which. But even on this basis, I doubt if you would settle for the aftermarket cords as Linn has made it easier for you. I guess Linn is trying to save it's customers some money so they can spend it on more Linn equipment and music instead.:D

It's a shame many other manufacturers don't design their components this way as after-market power cords, IMO, should have no effect on a well designed component.;) FWIW, I use an aftermarket power cord on my digital front-end as it proved susceptible to power cord changes. The tests were conducted "blind" with the assistance of a friend.;)

Enjoy the music,

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Bryston does design their kit so that PCs don't make a difference, and I confirmed that with VDH, Eupen, Siltech, etc...

But TAG says the same, and PCs make a big difference, at least on the processors and DVD player... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Lawrie
It's a shame many other manufacturers don't design their components this way as after-market power cords, IMO, should have no effect on a well designed component.;)
You're just trying to wind Tony up aren't you? :D

I don't agree btw. Saying that power cords should have no effect on a well designed component is like saying digital cables should have no effect on a well designed DAC. Sure, there are components that are less susceptible but I bet you you could make a noticeable difference (if not necessarily an improvement) with a power cord on the Ikemi. Maybe not a Eupen but something like an Acoustic Zen or Z-Squared I'm sure would make a difference.

Originally posted by lowrider
Bryston does design their kit so that PCs don't make a difference, and I confirmed that with VDH, Eupen, Siltech, etc...

But TAG says the same, and PCs make a big difference, at least on the processors and DVD player... :rolleyes:
I bet you they'd make a difference on a Bryston processor or CD player (do they make CD players even)?

Power cords generally have a much less noticeable effect on amps. I couldn't swear there was a difference using one with my Arcam but the difference on the transport and DAC was not subtle. Having said that, that was on my old transport (modded Marantz CD50SE) and old DAC (Tag DAC20). I really should see if they make as much difference with the Teac and the DAC64 but TBH I can't be bothered.

Seems strange, that good systems don't run stock power chords, Wadia say in the sales Blurb, the stock P/c is good enough :D I'll beg to differ on that one :)
Even Steve H@ GNSC, recommends a King cobra/Anaconda (which he doesn't sell) for all the Wadia top flight digital kit. Wm
Originally posted by Lawrie
Hey Steve,

You can try the power cords on your Linn amps but I'm not sure if you will get much joy...
Well some time back in a review of the Ikemi they found no clear difference using a Wireworld Sratus. I'm not familiar with this particular cord.

In my case the first area of test is the components that are not Linn/SMPS in an otherwise Linn system (Marantz 8400 universal player).

I suppose one might distinguish use of power leads to a) improve what is going into a product and b) prevent rubbish getting out and adversely affecting other products. In my case, if there is any effect on the marantz I would expect it to be type a and b, whereas with the Ikemi it would be type b only (if we believe the claims made for the SMPS). Anyway, I have no clear conclusions yet because I am busy enjoying some new amps and breaking the cables in :-)
So, the Eupens work superbly on the CDP, very well on the L100 and P100 and totally screw the 1.2 - Tony, you seem to be right!

Also, the main 2 channel system is now so good it shows up the processor a bit, or even alot (it clips if you use the onboard amps and play CDs past 11 O'Clock and I'm not sure the 110 quite cuts the mustard or matches well enough). So the jury's back out on that one.

So, the Eupens work superbly on the CDP, very well on the L100 and P100 and totally screw the 1.2 - Tony, you seem to be right!

Who'd have thought it:MILD: Sometimes us non flat earthers can get some things right!

Alex, so are you going to post your findings over on PFM then?
Robbo, sure I'll post. I have an innate trust in you guys which I'd like to share. Let me first try something that might work on the 1.2. . .


PS How long do Eupens take to burn in? - They seem quite good out the box.
Alex, maybe I ought to come down, bring a few goodies and show what that amp can actually do :)
Glad the TWR enjoyed themselves yesterday, it's about time you & Tom made a trip over west (you could also drop in and say hello to Rhino blaster on the way through) Tone
WM, Do you ever get to London? I won't go all Devillish if you don't like it (the system, not London).

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