They don't make 'em like they used to
Older hi-fi quite often spanks the pants off new hi-fi - especially when it comes to speakers.
Every time I hear a pair of LS3/5A's, for instance, with their gloriously open and beautifully textured midrange, it reminds me of just how influential quality engineering and an established pedigree is to the performance of a loudspeaker; sadly things lacking in many modern speakers.
Furthermore, most 'reasonably priced' modern speakers use main drive units too small for my liking. 6.5 inch bass units seem to be the norm in most of these speakers, whereas in the 70's and 80's when I was getting into hi-fi, 8 or 10 inch was the norm, and quite often even 12". The older speakers, although by no means perfect, overall, in my opinion, had a better tonality and bass due to the larger drive units and cabinets employed compared to many modern designs. I also much prefer stand mount speakers, which I nearly always find more musical sounding than floor-standing designs. This is one of the reasons why I use Spendor SP100s.
In fact, for me, loudspeakers with a BBC heritage are superior in many areas to other speakers I've heard. So let's hope Spendor, Harbeth, ATC and others keep on making them to maintain the traditions of old!
Older hi-fi quite often spanks the pants off new hi-fi - especially when it comes to speakers.
Every time I hear a pair of LS3/5A's, for instance, with their gloriously open and beautifully textured midrange, it reminds me of just how influential quality engineering and an established pedigree is to the performance of a loudspeaker; sadly things lacking in many modern speakers.
Furthermore, most 'reasonably priced' modern speakers use main drive units too small for my liking. 6.5 inch bass units seem to be the norm in most of these speakers, whereas in the 70's and 80's when I was getting into hi-fi, 8 or 10 inch was the norm, and quite often even 12". The older speakers, although by no means perfect, overall, in my opinion, had a better tonality and bass due to the larger drive units and cabinets employed compared to many modern designs. I also much prefer stand mount speakers, which I nearly always find more musical sounding than floor-standing designs. This is one of the reasons why I use Spendor SP100s.
In fact, for me, loudspeakers with a BBC heritage are superior in many areas to other speakers I've heard. So let's hope Spendor, Harbeth, ATC and others keep on making them to maintain the traditions of old!