Actually if that icon amp, of meixing to be correct, is anything to go by, if china gets its act together, some british companies are going to be out of business. I have never seen an amp made like that, thick stainless steel, you should see the layout inside...impeccable, and the connectors, top quality.
There is no problem with getting things built does make it cheaper for us, however, I consider it morally reprehensible these call centres are being put in india...there really is going to be nothing left here, and I urge a boycott on companies that do....alas....
however, back to point in question....I think the chinese don't really have the experience, they have the engineering stuff in droves, but not the nous of a tim de paravicini or croft, or lim valve

, or chord, or anyone else.
The markup is typically 5-6 times, so if it cost £400 to make an amp, typically retail for £2000+ sometimes more. I like proac stuff, but I feel his top end stuff is a rip, and just charges what he can get, how come the latest is £15000, and the response 4 £12000, which is a much more expensive.
The low down is they charge what they can get, look at naim too, as if it wasn't dear enoguh, a nac 52 at £5000, they have doubled the price. and I bet they are still pretty simple and can be made for £500.
This is what I resent, plain profiteering...its been hidden for ages , but is beginning to come out.
The shops make loads, too, most of the profit.
However, I still want to know about where stuff was built.
Its not too much to say, design by x in england, assembled in china, by x, modified in england under ken ishis guidance by robocop b,
again the food analogy, packed in the uk...that means jack shit...
produce of turkey, procedssed in germany, pakced in england.
or own brand....lovingly made by smiths chilled foods for tesco..