I judge most things by their web site nower days and as Mana's hasn't done anything in many years and still showing a review of it from at least 10 years ago, you have to wonder just how wonderful the company is doing?
For instance how does, ooh I don't know, naims fraim compare in terms of sales to Mana?
Does anyone know?
Lets be fairer lets say per 'unit' fraim level compares mana level?
Anyone have any stats?
Regarding the BMW I think the whole hifi is pod compatible its not simply a connector as you can set play lists for the beamer with the display showing your playlist.
It doesn't however detract from my belief that BMW drivers are all wankers, but I will concede and say that every BMW driver I have ever encountered is a Wanker and that does not mean they all are (although likely)